Obama Lied About Libyan Attack On Embassy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. dude you can't say you aren't bush bashing and then say he lied about iraq, damn. You pull this shit all the time. Congress voted for the fucking war, they saw the SAME intel Bush saw.

    In this case, obama responded all wrong because he is either a muslim sympathizer or an incompetent fuck in denial about his ME policy. he jumped the gun with the spontaneous nonsense and ran with it. He also pursued an arrest of the film producer, warranted or not, AFTER the Egyptians told him they would apologize when we punished the guy responsible. That is appeasing the enemy and it is spineless, foolish, unacceptable BULLSHIT. He was either lying or didn't know, in which case his admin should have been saying "we don't know yet" but instead they claimed with certainty that it was spontaneous and not terrorism. either way he is completely wrong and it makes him look like an inept pussy.. which i believe he is.
    #21     Sep 20, 2012
  2. I need to repeat this again:pHOENIX TRADING

    Registered: Mar 2012
    Posts: 2815

    09-13-12 08:12 PM
    repeat post but spot on.

    If you are an American patriot and you work for the state dept there are only 2 scenarios that fit:

    1) You are a fricking idiot, to think the admin has your back .
    2) You are so close to retirement that you'll stay in a stupid situation in hopes of exiting with your pension. allah and hillary be willing of course.
    #22     Sep 20, 2012
  3. Lucrum


    + 10^5
    #23     Sep 20, 2012
  4. I can see the logic in that.

    The only way for an alcoholic to get better is hit rock bottom.

    What we need is for the public to become disgusted with socialism like they were with the stock market circa 1930.
    #24     Sep 20, 2012
  5. Lucrum


    So..we need to put up with four more years of this unqualified embarrassing asshole, for the greater good?
    #25     Sep 20, 2012
  6. I want the US experiment with socialism to end for at least a century.(anything else is mere window dressing)

    The only way that happens is if there is a great social paradigm shift.

    I suspect it will take a near universal disaster to effect this shift, and America deserves nothing less good and hard for being so stupid these last 100yrs.




    #26     Sep 20, 2012
  7. Lucrum


    #27     Sep 20, 2012
  8. obama no matter how much I dislike him is NOT THE PROBLEM he's a symptom & symbol (for now) of the PROBLEM.
    #28     Sep 20, 2012
  9. <img src='http://massengale.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341bff5053ef0147e0a865d0970b-800wi'>
    #29     Sep 20, 2012
  10. Lucrum


    Truth be told, I cannot argue with that. I'd still like to see him thrown out on his ear just the same though.
    #30     Sep 20, 2012