Obama Justice Department OKs Black Panther Voter Intimidation

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tom B, May 29, 2009.

  1. Tom B

    Tom B

    Spoken like a true Black Panther supporter.
    #31     May 30, 2009

  2. Obamas' voter base: clueless white males, women (Oh, Barack I love you) and you know who else.

    Resignation or forced resignation like Nixon?

    It could happen.
    #32     May 30, 2009
  3. What u mean to say is that u wished it would happen to desperately validate your antiquated world view.:)

    Face fellas your brand of politics is going the way of the dodo. They will be writing in history books about the death of the GOP.
    #33     May 30, 2009
  4. Don't support their kind any more than I support your kind. Facts are, u don't know the facts.

    If the South would won uda had it maaaade.

    But, they didn't.:)
    #34     May 30, 2009
  5. Tom B

    Tom B

    My kind? You mean the kind who believes voters should not be threatened at a polling place? I am from California you dumb fucking racist. Did you watch the video?
    #35     May 30, 2009
  6. I doubt it.

    All you really need to do is watch bonds and the dollar and that will validate or invalidate the left. So far it's invalidating it.

    If the left was held to the same scrutiny as the right the democrats would never win another election.

    Barry is a one termer, all this stimulus is empty and over the long term will do nothing but bankrupt the country. The natural response is the republicans get it together and win the next election end of story. This is the same economic approach as nazi germany and has proven to be a failure.

    This time next year the country will be asking why gas is 6 dollars a gallon, a 30 year mortgage is 9% and it takes 2 dollars to buy a euro and will realize barry's kill the terrorists and beligerants with kindness approach is a failure.

    #36     May 30, 2009

  7. No, what I am saying is at this juncture a giant fuck up looms for this scrawny commander cody and the lost planet airfuckheads. At that point, even the clueless white males, Barack/Hitler worshipping females and the rest (who are being cynically used to their detriment) won't be able to save him.
    #37     May 30, 2009
  8. Thoughtful post.

    The "public" will not care about the EUR/USD relationship. Those of us who do will ride that train another 5000 pips, I'm good with that.

    Obama, will quickly attack Big Oil, which is now newspeak for Bush/Chaney and by extension the GOP. Big oil will be defenseless against congressional onslaught as the remnants of the GOP will not dare defend them.

    Interests rates going up? Geitner and Bernake have already taken hits with regards to their credibility.

    Geitner will be thrown under the bus if it gets too hot.

    Or, Geitner will be kept and the well spoken President will tell the public that this is bump in the road and we will get through this. He will not make the mistakes that Carter did. The Somali pirates set the tone for foreign relations crises. He will not go on TV and lecture the people like Carter did.

    He will do what a leader does and make his electorate feel good while making it hard for the GOP offense to get on the field.

    The GOP has no angles of attack, dems have no worries b4 2012. Then they will have to find a candidate. It obviously cannot be Biden:D
    #38     May 30, 2009

  9. Skull-crackin' time. Send em' on down.
    #39     May 30, 2009
  10. And, as long as u convey your ideas in that manner, Rahm will point to Rush, then point to you(metaphorically), and smile.

    No, not smile, he will smirk.

    U sound like a Liliputian. U sound angry and insolent because u lost. U sound like a Chihuahua nipping at the dems heels.

    Present a tactical and cogent argument and maybe the GOP, which u at this time represent, will not b so funny:)
    #40     May 30, 2009