Obama Is Delusional On Debt

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. pspr


    "[W]e don’t have an immediate crisis in terms of debt," Obama said. "In fact, for the next ten years, it’s gonna be in a sustainable place."

    So, a $20 or $24 trillion dollar debt is sustainable according to Obama. And what happens when interest rates climb out of these artificially low levels and the debt continues to climb, Mr. Obama?

    Then Obama hinted a deal might not be attainable. "But ultimately, it may be that– the differences are just– too wide. It may be that ideologically, if their position is, 'We can’t do any revenue,' or, 'We can only do revenue if we gut Medicare or gut Social Security or gut Medicaid,' if that’s the position, then we’re probably not gonna be able to get a deal."

    More hyperbole with ridiculous statements to keep from reforming entitlements. In just a few more years entitlements will take every dollar of revenue the federal government takes in.

    Obama is taking us down a path to financial ruin.

  2. Has been his plan all along... America's "fundamental transformation".

    Greedy, stupid American sheeple to ignorant to see it.... or maybe they just don't care... so long as they get a check "now".

    :mad: :mad:
  3. How I wish I could challenge Obama to a one on one duel.
  4. Haha . . . of all the wishes you could've had , you chose this one.
  5. pspr


    Get in line.
  6. Lucrum


    Wouldn't that be a dream come true.
  7. Democrats have all been delusional with regard to debt for decades. They just never respond to questions about where the money is going to come from to pay for all their programs. This is not new.

    What is going to be new is if the US finally just melts down under the weight of all the government that has been created. That will give new meaning to "new"
  8. [​IMG]

    I wonder what happens when republicans tell their Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security supporting base that all 3 are going to get cut or phased out.
  9. "We don’t have an immediate crisis in terms of debt," Obama said. "Sure the paperwork has fine print about risk-factors, interest rates, market environments, yadda, yadda. But Let me be clear, for the next ten years, it’s gonna be in a sustainable place."


    (Just trying to fix it for him.)

  10. Yeah, this is what all the ammo buying by Big Fat Sis and DHS along with refurbishing of FEMA camps is for. The end of PARASITE USA.
    #10     Mar 13, 2013