Obama is an idiot...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Fractals 'R Us, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. Why not, as options?

    How about white kids who don't graduate? Also a disgrace?

    How's no-child-left-behind coming along preventing kids from being left behind?
    #11     Sep 26, 2008
  2. In most school systems foreign language IS an option. CPS students can take Arabic, Chinese ect. With all of the problems confronting urban schools for Obama to advocate the idea of increased participation, i.e. funding for these programs is disingenuous lipstick on the pig of failing schools. Does Obama favor choice in schools? No. Do his children attend Chicago Public schools? No. Why not? They were good enough for Michelle.

    Not enough white kids fail to graduate for anyone to claim there's a systematic problem with white drop out rates. And YES drop out rates have plummeted since NCLB....

    #12     Sep 26, 2008
  3. A bunch of bigots who have never spoken a foreign language...

    There is an old Chinese saying that describes you guys. "Frogs in a well." Look it up.
    #13     Sep 26, 2008
  4. ERTW


    #14     Sep 26, 2008
  5. *Sigh*


    The irony, eh? :D
    #15     Sep 26, 2008
  6. Hey you try trading a couple of hundred Treasuries and index futs a side and still be able to post like mad. I'm like quadruple tasking all morning. The harder the trade the faster i type....
    #16     Sep 26, 2008
  7. And she's brilliant, as you can see by her record.

    I think it's great that you want every kid to go to a private school -- I just don't want to pay for your choice.

    No, they haven't "plummeted."

    But anyway, you feel that 6% of whites who haven't completed high school is not a systemic problem, while the 11% of blacks (your numbers from your citation) who haven't completed high school is a systematic problem.

    Why do you feel that the 6% isn't systemic while 11% is?
    #17     Sep 26, 2008
  8. You might want to re read the article. Why is the black DOR "only" 11%?

    Also my article seemingly understates drop out rates in toto.

    "Each of the nation's ten largest public high school districts, which enroll more than 8 percent of the nation's public school student population, failed to graduate more than 60 percent of its students.
    Among the nation's 100 largest public school districts (by total enrollment size), the highest graduation rate was in Davis, Utah (89 percent), followed by the Ysleta Independent School District in Texas (84 percent). Among the 100 largest districts, the lowest graduation rate was in San Bernardino City Unified district (42 percent), followed by Detroit (42 percent) and New York City (43 percent). "

    #18     Sep 26, 2008
  9. Yannis


    IMAO: A Scientific look At Liberals

    "Here’s yet another tiresome “scientific” study on what’s wrong with conservatives. Why do we keep getting these kind of things? Because social scientists tend to be liberals. Why is that? Has anyone ever thought to do a study of why, even though liberals are a fringe group in America at large, they tend to make up the majority of certain occupations? I guess I’m the only one who’s thought of it, but I can’t write up a long scientific study because I HAVE AN ACTUAL JOB.

    And there’s the difference.

    Look at the occupations that tend to be dominated by liberals: Social scientists, college professors, actors, musicians, artists. What’s similar between them all? They don’t produce anything essential. If you ran the country like a company and because of budget cutbacks you had to start laying people off, all the jobs liberals do would be the first to go. It’s nice to have actors and musicians, but we can live without them.

    Liberals are an excess of civilization. You have to reach a certain level of society where useless people no longer starve to death before liberals can exist. But liberals can’t exist on their own. They need conservatives to do all the useful things needed for actual survival. Liberals need conservatives, but not the other way around.

    Also, liberals have dumb monkey faces that I just want to punch.

    Someone submit this to a scientific journal for me, please."

    :) :) :)
    #19     Sep 26, 2008
  10. That's the percentages in your article who didn't receive a diploma.

    I didn't receive my high school diploma in three years, but I'm not a dropout.

    :) Now you have to bash your own citation! Ooops! :)

    Yes, poor areas have lower graduation rates.
    #20     Sep 26, 2008