Obama Is ‘A Threat to Our Democracy’

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bugscoe, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Barack Obama Is ‘A Threat to Our Democracy’
    Posted by Erick Erickson
    Monday, October 11th at 5:00AM EDT

    When you’ve hung around with so many people who idealize communism and socialism and loath the United States, you tend to develop an inner-Soviet voice. Barack Obama sure has.

    He let it slip with Joe the Plumber and Obama’s talk of wealth redistribution. He let it slip when declaring that “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money”. He’s now let it slip again.

    His campaign farce, Organizing for America, sent out an email noting that Barack Obama declared the United States Chamber of Commerce “a threat to our democracy.”

    What. The. Hell.

    Why would the President of the United States want to slander 3 million American companies, and their tens of millions of employees? Why would he assume them evil enough to subvert the law deliberately like this? Is the man who got his political start in the home of a terrorist, who spent twenty years worshipping in the church of a man who preached contempt for America, whose childhood mentor was a communist radical, and who shows no more understanding of basic economics than a cliff notes reading of Das Kapital . . . projecting?

    He has now been echoed by his whole campaign team in an organized character assassination attempt with the Center for American Progress against the Chamber of Commerce.


    The Chamber of Commerce accepts money from some foreign corporations that have American business interests. The Chamber has been quick to point out that it keeps those funds segregated and does not use them for political advocacy.

    But there are two larger points worth noting. First and foremost, if this is the standard Barack Obama is using, then Barack Obama himself is a threat to our democracy. Why?

    Barack Obama is the biggest recipient of British Petroleum dollars. British Petroleum is a foreign corporation.

    If that is the standard the Chamber of Commerce is held to, Barack Obama should hold himself to that standard.

    But there’s more.

    Back in 2008, the Washington Post documented the ease by which foreigners and others could give the Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign. The campaign, in fact, boasted of it.

    In addition to accepting pre-paid credit cards, the Obama campaign turned off the processing mechanism that verified only United States citizens were giving to his campaign.

    As Patrick Ruffini documented in 2008 the Obama campaign turned off the Address Verification Service mechanism to the campaign website, allowing virtually anyone to give to the campaign.

    In addition to this being another matter that Daryl Issa will have to investigate once the Republicans take back the House, the bigger issue is that several of us in the blogosphere back in 2008 knew people living overseas who gave to the Obama campaign just to see if it was possible. Yes, Europeans gave a few bucks just to see if they could. Of those I heard of who did this, I never heard of any of them getting a refund.

    In other words, unlike the Chamber of Commerce, the Obama campaign most likely accepted into its campaign coffers donations from foreign individuals and never returned the money.

    But there is a larger issue here too.

    The President of the United States has taken to the bully pulpit to declare an institution as American as mom, apple pie, and flags on Main Street to be a threat to our democracy.

    Were Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Mark Levin or Glenn Beck to say anything of the like, the left would dismiss them and say they were no longer worthy of being taken seriously. How then can we take Barack Obama seriously?

    Very easily — Barack Obama is the President of the United States. For him to call an organization instrumental to American commerce and business a ‘threat to our democracy” should trouble all of us. He and his administration have shown no ability to get the economy going again. Every advice from the Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Businesses, and other supporters of the entrepreneurial class have been rebuffed.

    To now declare one of the few groups that has the bona fides to get the economy going again a “threat to our democracy” is as extremist as anything he and his goons would accuse conservative talk radio of saying.

    It also shows this President is out of ideas and is falling back on the Soviet rhetoric his mentors of long ago all embraced.
  2. He wanted every american to have health care.He wanted to end the Iraq war and has pulled over 90,000 troops out.He didn't want the US financial system and car industry to collapse.He doesn't want to start wars like the last president did.He wanted to better regulate wall street to prevent future threats of collapse etc.He made BP pay billions to clean up their oil mess rather then set a cap on how much they had to pay in damages like Reagan and Bush did.I dont see how a guy like that wants to destroy America
  3. Obama’s attack on Chamber of Commerce backfiring

    When the New York Times punctures a White House meme, it can reasonably be considered a flop. Last week, Barack Obama himself accused the Chamber of Commerce of using foreign money to push its domestic political activism, which would violate election law. Unfortunately, as the Times reports, the White House had absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing. And Obama failed to mention that plenty of groups on the Left, especially labor unions, raise money outside the US as well.

    Now the White House is trying to step back from their earlier accusations of illegality, but they’re still desperately trying to hang onto the line of attack:
    Is that how it works in the United States in the era of Hopenchange? The President makes an accusation of lawbreaking without any evidence of it, and the entity accused has to prove their innocence? In this country, the government has to prove its case, not the defendant, and even before making an accusation of wrongdoing usually has to have some evidence of the crime in the first place.

    This kind of rhetoric is nothing short of McCarthyism. The government makes baseless accusations and then blames the people accused for not clearing themselves. Will Obama start appearing at rallies with his “little list” of an ever-changing number of foreign contributors? The White House launched the same kind of baseless attacks on the Koch family and Americans for Prosperity this summer and have yet to offer one substantial piece of evidence that any of these groups or people have done anything wrong at all, except to oppose Obama’s policies.

    This is an administration that apparently has never learned the difference between being a political campaign and serving in the government. In the former situation, this would constitute slander, which is bad enough. When it comes from the government, it’s a form of tyranny — an attempt to use the power of government to silence dissent.
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