Obama in Rude Denial

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. clacy


    Quite true. I personally think that salaries for POTUS and SCOTUS should be 10x what they are currently (with term limits in place). Maybe that would attract some talent.

    It amazes me how stupid the average congressman is in the most powerful country in the history of the planet.
    #11     Mar 29, 2010
  2. kingjelly


    I got an email from my company stating that my health care benefits will likely be cut back due to the passage of the bill. The 'if you have health care it won't change' line isn't true for large companies with lots of retirees.
    #12     Mar 29, 2010
  3. clacy


    You have obviously never run a business.

    My dad owns a business with around 150 full and part time employees.

    I can guarantee you that this bill will have a negative impact on hiring in his company going forward.

    His salaried employees will have to work longer hours and start with less pay to cover the productivity and costs.

    In this economic environment, they won't have much of a choice, since they all need their jobs.
    #13     Mar 29, 2010
  4. Wallet


    Another artfully spoken glib from a liberal without a pot to piss in.
    #14     Mar 29, 2010
  5. When Obama fired Roger Wagoner from GM the country got to see close up the anti-business (union ass kissing) president. Obama made no pretenses before the elections about where he stood on business.

    For example he made it clear that he was going to redistribute wealth from big business (and give it to illegal aliens who are going to be made citizens to gain their votes). Obama stated in his campaign that American businesses that were multi national were going to be taxed heavy for leaving profits overseas. They got together and told him after he was elected “…. do it and we leave this country forever and put our head quarters else where. .”

    The New York Times in a recent article stated that Obamacare is just another form of wealth redistribution disguised as health care. The basic premise is if your work or have monetary resources you will be taxed to give it to Obama’s voters. This is the same practice Chicago ‘gangster’ style politicians have used for over a hundred years to ‘deliver the vote’.

    Obamacare means if you really get sick prepare to die before you see a doctor. But if you have a common cold we can treat you and get you well quickly so you can vote for Democrats.
    #15     Mar 29, 2010
  6. I know the point of this story was to show that Obama and his crowd are clueless, but the reality is that the CEOs quoted here are the clueless ones. They probably gave money to Obama and supported him because they thought he was intelligent and charismatic, plus of course, he was a minority. He couldn't give a shit about their business. In fact, in his marxist world, these CEOs are the enemy of the people and he probably thinks their companies oppress their workers, discriminate against minorities and take advantage of the public. For all I know, he may be right, but that's not the point. The point is that businessmen need to wake up and realize they are in a fight for their lives. There is no such thing as a pro-business democrat. There is absolutely nothing to be gained from trying to work with obama and his people. They do not care about the private sector, employment or anything else except advancing their leftwing agenda. The sooner everyone realizes that and takes the blinders off, the better.
    #16     Mar 29, 2010
  7. Ricter


    Children run the country? They've replaced the bankers?? Wahoo!
    #17     Mar 29, 2010
  8. Very well written; I felt I was listening to Glen Beck.

    #18     Mar 29, 2010
  9. How novel...


    <img src=http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2009-02-24-GOPBABY.jpg>

    #19     Mar 29, 2010
  10. Ricter


    #20     Mar 29, 2010