Obama (Hitler) Youth

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pa(b)st Prime, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Not at all.

    #51     Oct 6, 2008
  2. You can suck my cock...or stick a shotgun up my ass. Your choice cock sucker...or..um..ass stuffing shatgun dude.

    #52     Oct 6, 2008
  3. I'll have to get you a few Howard Stern books for Christmas Doc...:p
    #53     Oct 6, 2008
  4. Ya...know that's funny you mentioned him(that cock-sucker). I always hated that east coast cock-sucker. Even back when he was supposedly cool...he was on some dogshit station in L.A. I never got the joke of that cock sucker. No clue why that cock sucker was popular. What a cock-sucker that guy is/was. But ya know...a nice shotgun all right up in my ass is always great.


    but please send gifts for X-mas.

    #54     Oct 6, 2008
  5. Lucrum..

    Any luck yet...I ain't got all night.

    #55     Oct 6, 2008
  6. Lucrum didn't know.

    He's furiously googling an attempt at an answer.

    Hey Lucrum - Here's a hint. It's not who Sarah Palin thinks it is, you backbiting turd who helped ruin the GOP.
    #56     Oct 6, 2008
  7. HAHAHA! Saying that Ahmadinejad runs Iran is like saying Bush runs America! HAHAHA! We all know that Dick Cheney runs this country. So the question is.....who is Iran's Dick Cheney?

    edit: Fuck it! I can't wait for you retards. It's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader.
    #57     Oct 6, 2008
  8. Lucrum


    Shit, I didn't know it was a timed test or I wouldn't have demonstrated the arrogant audacity of going to bed early.
    Good thing I woke up to take a piss uh.

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the current President.

    And yes I had to look up the spelling.
    #58     Oct 7, 2008
  9. Lucrum


    Backbiting turd huh? What are you six years old?

    You ... you ... pee pee face.
    #59     Oct 7, 2008
  10. I guess this comes down to what one's priorities are. In the case of health care, whether it be government managed or privatized, we will always pay in some form or another via taxes or through higher private premiums.

    The real question is how much do you want to overtly help the other guy. Private companies are about efficient profits and the government is about helping (albeit inefficiently) everyone. Which comes first if you're a private corporation - the individual's well being or the company's stock price? Every time the company decides to include another form of coverage, they may be potentially exposing themselves to higher costs. Do you see the conflict of interest there?

    Let me explain that last point. In my view, and, I could be wrong about this, insurance, in any form, is essentially everyone paying a premium into one large pool. Individual participants, as they need surgeries or if their house burns down, draw from that communal pool. The concept of insurance, whether it be private or government controlled, is a form of socialized risk management. The question now becomes whether or not the government should run this type of communal asset - at the very least regulate the shit out of it. What's to stop the insurance provider from misuse of that communal pool, or, not using that pool money towards the intended purpose... In general, it seems inconsistent to me that health insurers can operate as a for-profit entities while still providing the best possible care for the individual.

    My concern is that McCain doesn't want to admit that private health insurance companies have a conflict of interest even when that's an inherent aspect of "free market" health care... how exactly should these insurers profit is a scary topic IMO. The less deregulation of the community pool money, the more apt these companies will be in abusing those funds, which will cost us substantially in the long run.

    In my second point I'm referring to the "no preconditions" debate, i.e. the US, under Bush/McCain will not talk to "dangerous" nations without preconditions.
    #60     Oct 7, 2008