Obama has reduced dependency on foregin oil

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tsing Tao, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    So your Justification for Obamas moratorium on drilling is this:

    It would not have been POLITICALLY expedient for Obama to keep on drilling after a fluke accident....

    I finally found something i agree with you on..... once again Obama made a distinctive choice based on poll numbers, as opposed to making the logical decision that would have been the most beneficial to America.

    This is a story that not only represents Obama perfectly, but it also represents every single other politicians thought process.

    The moratorium epitomizes the way Obama/politicians make decisions.

    It was far to risky politically, for Obama to keep drilling at that point, so he said: "fuck it, american consumers can take it on the chin with this one,"

    as he imposed the moratorium on drilling in order to benefit his own political career.

    Thx for the clarification.

    #31     Mar 3, 2012