Obama good for the economy ?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by riddler, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. It's a fair point.

    #31     Jan 22, 2013
  2. How can that be fair when health care is a "right"?
    #32     Jan 22, 2013


    The reason it PO'es me is that I've been 100% responsible for all my health care costs since I left my job 16 years ago to trade. So all premiums and out of pocket expenses are mine to pay. So I eat healthy (wife insists), I work out and do all I can to avoid health issues. In fact most years I see the doctor a single time -- for my annual physical. Yet I pay thousands each year in premiums making me a "good" customer to the insurance company in that I then subsidize those who do not take any real responsibility for their well being. And with Obamacare we'll have even more people who have health issues who will need to be subsidized, likely through higher premiums we all pay.
    #33     Jan 22, 2013
  4. zdreg


    you are your brother's keeper. obama, in his inauguration speech, made it clear. welcome to creeping or not so creeping socialism. we are all one people etc. and you don't get to choose your brother.
    #34     Jan 22, 2013
  5. piezoe


    If your medical costs were like those of a citizen in a typical industrialized nation you'd pay, in your lifetime, about half what you will end up paying in the U.S. and your medical care would be better on average.
    #35     Jan 22, 2013


    Right you are. Decent book to read is The Healing of America where it details health care in other countries -- France, Germany, UK, Canada and Japan.
    #36     Jan 22, 2013
  7. Lucrum


    "Obama good for the economy ?"

    No, but I hear tell he's very good for gun sales.
    #37     Jan 22, 2013
  8. vicirek


    You have to understand US politics. Those are paid votes by people who have no free will because their livelihood depends on government salary or welfare.

    Second point is that the design of voting districts makes it easy to manipulate outcome in favor of big cities which are subsidized by government.

    And the same will happen to " Obama health care" money - it will be used for politics not health.

    All the information about socialism is available and it has been tried many times over with the same effect. Who expects different outcome this time?
    #38     Jan 22, 2013