Obama good for the economy ?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by riddler, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. jem


    Its tough to answer that without sounding like a jerk. but the fluid class structure worked out great for my parents and therefore me as a kid.

    My dad grew up poor... put himself through school as a lawyer, lived a good life, made a lot trading gold in two different decades and then in his retirement he made about 5 million in the markets... mostly swing trading. He did not really get to accumulate much money until we had low taxes.
    #21     Jan 8, 2013
  2. I hear ya, but that was then, this is now

    aint nobody that likes low taxes more then me, so you're just preaching to the choir

    but I like making money

    and I need them to have it so I can make it from them
    #22     Jan 8, 2013
  3. if you keep making money from the poor, over and over again, you will dirive the country into poverty
    #23     Jan 8, 2013
  4. No, he's obviously pretty bad. But most of the problems we're facing today aren't really his fault. They're all issues that were inherited from Bush, including the budget deficits.

    The bad thing is that he hasn't done anything to fix them.
    #24     Jan 9, 2013
  5. Odumbo is HUGELY AT FAULT... for his ramping up deficits for government programs. That's MUCH worse than "Bush deficits"... which can be throttled-back just by stopping the war activities. Odumbo's deficits are more-or-less permanent expenditures in the budget.... the burden of which we will never overcome.... and he knows it. It's the keystone in his plan to DESTROY AMERICA! And greedy, stupid fuckers like you are helping him do it. What do you think this means for the future of your kids/grandkids??

    #25     Jan 9, 2013
  6. riddler


    He hasn't done anything? He passed a healthcare bill ( like it or not). Politicians have been talking for Years about healthcare and he actually did something. There are plenty of good things in that bill, I actually like it. I am not thrilled about forcing a business owner to offer healthcare though ( more than 50 employees) but then again, any bill will not be perfect.
    #26     Jan 9, 2013
  7. vicirek


    Because you understand very little. This and every other bill Socialists pass is not about health care but about politics and about supporting their own corrupt electorate. There will be no more health care provided for people after it is implemented but the money collected will support democratic political base. It also serves as an attack springboard against their opponents and potential supporters of the opposition like independent businesses. Yes the list of "changes" is impressive. Just do not forget to check it later how it works in practice.

    I cannot believe that people in 21st century can still be easily fooled despite many obvious examples in the past. Besides why they call themselves Democrats. Did you notice that there is less democracy under their leadership?
    #27     Jan 9, 2013
  8. I'm ashamed to say it but this is the reason I voted for him the 1st time. He mentioned self reliance and responsibility when he was campaigning and I was one of those white people that fell for it hook line and sinker.

    In 4 years we need to to vote in an old ass president to convince all these baby boomers to stop fighting death and just let it happen so medicare can be saved!
    #28     Jan 9, 2013
  9. Isn't that most of the population in the South East?
    #29     Jan 9, 2013
  10. DHOHHI


    I sympathize with those who have pre-existing conditions that are beyond their control. But ... people who consciously CHOOSE to abuse their body that then creates health issues should be denied coverage or pay significantly higher rates. 2/3 of the country is overweight or obese. I'll bet many of these people have issues; cardiac, diabetes, cholesterol, etc. When people choose to eat fast food, drink excessively, abuse drugs, fail to exercise and look like complete blobs they should either (1) pay HIGHER premiums than fit, healthy people in their age group (2) be denied coverage by some companies.

    Why should health insurance be different that auto or homeowners? If you're a crappy driver with tickets you lose coverage or pay higher rates. Same with homeowners -- too many claims and your premiums rise.
    #30     Jan 22, 2013