Obama friends with terrorists

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JA_LDP, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Yannis


    We can dissect any piece of the campaign rhetoric we want, but, imo, Obama's main value proposition is that he'll tax the upper middle class, the wealthy and businesses, and pass money (directly or in some sort of benefit) to the rest of the country. Huge wealth redistribution plan that sounds enticing to those who don't really understand the topic. Until you study it carefully.

    Our economy is like a big bucket half full, and the objective is to raise the level of the water inside. Or, put in another way, make the whole pie bigger for everyone to enjoy. By taxing the upper income level people, Obama will be essentially removing water from the bucket and placing it in another bucket (Govt spending) where things move a lot slower, less efficiently and much less productively. You cannot say that you'll remove water from one side and give it to the other side - it's all connected. In essence, he'd be removing wealth FROM EVERYBODY. Why? Just imagine what your dentist down the road will do if he gets taxed more... raise prices, right? How about IBM? How about practically everyone who can? Raising taxes is another way of saying taking $$ out of the economy, which is the last thing we want at this point of the skittish US. business condition.

    Not to mention that wealth redistribution is a dangerous dog to let loose because it pitches one citizen against the other. It's like a racist or any other fanatical war cry. The correct way to handle this is to work to lower taxes, and government borrowing at the same time, by cutting unnecessary spending. That would help grow the economy overall, for everyone, and would preserve a positive social environment. Which is what McCain wants to do. Oh well.
    #11     Sep 5, 2008
  2. Gasparino says after Palin's speech Wall St. Execs poured money at O'Bama. Seems they didn't think John had a chance until then.

    The only difference between Ayers and Wall st is, with Wall St., there's no loud BANG. Shit just melts away.
    #12     Sep 5, 2008