Obama Fried Chicken

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bugscoe, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. What's your obsession with the KKK?

    Besides I'm not insecure at all.
    The pigmentation of my skin and my racial heritage are not the determinants of my politico/economic philosophy.
    Too bad that isn't true for many of bo's supporters.
    #21     Nov 21, 2009
  2. dsq


    what correction is that?
    You seem threatened by any social injustice corrections.That is why i figure your a racist dunce.
    BO s religion isnt blt.Those are some of his ex-pastors views which bo denounced.

    again what blt policies are a threat and pose a risk to this nation?which ones are being or have been implemented?
    Allow your paranoid and delusional mind spew.
    #22     Nov 22, 2009
  3. bo's religion is BLT he was actively involved in the church for 20 yrs and Wright served as his Spiritual mentor and his book "The Audacity of Hope" is based upon a speech by wright given the same title.

    bo's whole adult life has been an exploration and adoption of Marxist idiotology.
    Not surprising that o gravitated towards BLT with it's unmistakable mixture of marxism and leftist Liberation Theology specifically adapted to appeal to disaffected minorities as a wholesale repudiation of Protestant Christianity on historical racial grounds.

    bo's intent to effectively grant a new right to healthcare and to pay for it by his" I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good ..." marxist/socialist theft by (govt force) taking philosophy.

    Next on his wish list is the cap 'n trade BS , which is based upon AGW which itself is just another wealth redistribution ruse(albeit an international one) and attack on capitalism in general and America in particular.

    If bo and his administration are successful in passing and imposing the new healthcare and cap'n tax measures we will be firmly on the path to revisit 1930's era gdp and employment depression.

    PS: I thought we already established I'm a racist in your feeble little mind.

    Get over it I don't care.:D
    #23     Nov 22, 2009
  4. dsq


    Let me see youre a global warming denier and youre opposed to healthcare reform.A true nutjob.Lets see, you are on or have used Medicare?
    Its amazing you seem to be a religious person also,right?Absolutely perverse if you claim to be christian.

    BTW,the biggest redistribution of wealth has taken place over the last 30yrs from the poor to the wealthy.Just look at wall st,the banking collapse and ceo compensation as an example.Privatized profits,socialized losses(taxpayer bailouts).Stagnant wages,dismantling of unions,reduction of job benefits that have all been implemented to benefit the bottom line.
    That is the only redistribution that has taken place.
    #24     Nov 22, 2009

  5. Lets get this straight what you have described is crony capitalism and that infuriates me more than the effort to help the poor.

    On that I think we agree,(except ceo compensation) and it's an integral part of being a true libertarian(IMHO).

    Private pay rates are none of the govts business. The bailouts were wrong and are a lousy excuse to do further damage to the economy.
    #25     Nov 22, 2009
  6. A) As posted elsewhere concerning AGW.

    4 salient points
    1) I think AGW is wrong or vastly overstated.

    2) The monstrous hubris that man can control the earth's climate is laughable.
    (given the primary drivers of the sun , cosmic radiation, and nature itself)

    3)So far all the(potentially effective) solutions for AGW are civilization killers anyway.

    4) Even if the predictions by IPCC are correct: I DON"T CARE, IT'S NO BIG DEAL when compared to real threats that exist.

    B) If you mean the current unconstitutional power grab by the govt you are damn right I oppose it.

    C) I fail to see the dichotomy you assume exists.
    #26     Nov 22, 2009
  7. dsq


    4)If a doctor tells you you have cancer do you ignore his advice?The science and reality are undeniable.The health of the planet is declining rapidly.Whether its dying oceans,coral reefs or droughts or rising sea levels.

    B)I hope the govt drives hmo insurance out of business.Just like military contractors are a massive rip off and failure,govt run military is much more cost effective.
    Private companies have no business making medical decisions based on profits that determine whether i live or die.Obviously you have never dealt with hmo;s because youre either on govt run medicare or your employer dealt with all their garbage.You have no clue until you have to deal with them 1 on 1.
    If anything is unconstitutional its the hmo industry.
    Healthcare works great in france,canada.I couldnt care less about some arcane constitutional semantics.These anti healthcare points are extremely irrational and paranoid and dont hold water in experience and reality.
    #27     Nov 22, 2009
  8. 1) The earth has been habitable for millions of years and AGW will not affect that ability beyond mere inconvenience at worst.
    If you are concerned about the end of habitable conditions on the earth the risk of NEO collisions is much more serious.
    educate yourself gw is a joke.

    2) I congratulate you on demonstrating how little you truly grasp of the world around you. I'd wager you don't even know what insurance in general provides to the customer.

    3) I'm sorry that's just a childish understanding* of the problem and furthermore public decisions on health care will not be free to disregard the cost of resources either.

    * It's completely childish to assume that there are infinite resources on tap for your whim no matter who is paying the bill. We could spend the whole worlds gdp of 10 years on you and you alone, yet you will still age and die.

    4) Forgive me for not being stupid enough to choose an hmo for my health insurance.
    Yes you are right, my employer is very paternalistic towards me and takes care of all of my needs.
    Oh wait: nope that would be little ole me as a sole proprietor taking responsibility for myself.

    5) You have no clue what's constitutional all you know is you don't like it. Fact is you currently don't have to have hmo if you don't wish to, have it's coverage.

    6) You obviously don't know(about the basics of the constitution) nor do you seem to care.
    I can tell you that's the perfect attitude and aptitude that if widespread enough will ensure you will lose all of those rights to the political expediency of some slimy politician.

    7) I'm sorry once again you prove you have no grasp of the situation.
    I'm a health-care professional and have been in the field for 16 yrs. working directly for the govt and the private sector.
    I can certainly tell you this, the public at large will not like this, you will be greatly disappointed if you think costs will fall and service will improve, not to mention the lack of choice and control .

    "If You think health care is expensive now and full of red tape... just wait till it's free and dictated by the IRS code"
    #28     Nov 23, 2009
  9. dsq


    Can you please tell me when a doctor tells you have cancer will you dismiss their advice?In the face of overwhelming scientific consensus and glaciers melting,droughts etc, you base your skepticism of gw on your personal feelings.Talk about willful ignorance.Speaking of which you have never dealt with an hmo as a patient nor have you dealt with healthcare systems in other countries.They do it for half the cost and have longer life spans.

    Again reality completely trounces your paranoid theories and dithering.
    #29     Nov 23, 2009
  10. One truly funny movie, it's a classic.
    #30     Nov 23, 2009