Obama Fried Chicken

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bugscoe, Nov 20, 2009.

    #11     Nov 21, 2009
  2. dsq


    Please explain black liberation theology and its relevance to our prez.This should be as amusing and non-sensical as a glenn beck skit.
    #12     Nov 21, 2009

  3. Your ignorance of the issue only serves to prove how totally clueless you really are concerning bo.

    Maybe you should look it up before you embarrass yourself further.
    #13     Nov 21, 2009
  4. dsq


    A racist bigot like yourself calling someone clueless and embarrassing is priceless.Even more hilarious is that you actually think you have a grasp of issues because you get your news from faux or newsmax.Kind of like the kkk citing hitler on the jewish 'problem'.
    I hope you keep these views to yourself on the net.If not you must have a lot of people laughing at you behind your back.

    You still havent explained black liberation theology and its relation to bo.We all know what you are referring to but lets get your actual understanding or "interpretation".
    Please proceed in not making an ass of yourself-this will be hard for you.I know you wont cause you racists are dumber than a box of rocks and run from any challenge.
    #14     Nov 21, 2009
  5. Mnphats


    Let me know when they strap a bomb to themselves.
    #15     Nov 21, 2009
  6. So fa the oly person making racial insults is you...
    Grow up boy
    #16     Nov 21, 2009

  7. Spiritual warfare and (mapping) are scary and stupid too.
    Thomas Muthee claim "Mama Jane" a witch. But really just his competition, so he want people to hate her. So many lies in religion to make fame and money.
    #17     Nov 21, 2009
  8. 1)Okay lets get this one out of the way.
    I'm a racist bigot, you failed to mention
    male chauvinistic capitalistic pig, homophobic,xenophobic,fundamentalist,
    and uber-libertarian of Aryan descent.
    Some of my best friends are black, excluding my German Shepard.

    However all of that nonsense has no bearing on you being clueless and embarrassing yourself concerning bo vis a vis black liberation theology.

    2) I have a fair grasp of the major issues affecting my life because I pay attention to salient issues, not because I finally decided to get a TV and watch FOX news or Glenn Beck.

    3) I really don't care what people do behind my back as long as it's not figuratively or literally stabbing me in the back.

    4) I never indicated I was going to explain it to you, especially since you acted like it was news completely foreign to you.

    BLT must have struck a significant cord in the belief system of the obama's for them to have listened to all that bile wright has been spouting for the duration of his spiritual mentor relationship for 20yrs, and wright's influence on "The Audacity of Hope".
    #18     Nov 21, 2009
  9. dsq


    BLT is an obscure joke and doesnt register on anybodys radar except insecure kkk types like yourself.Most people dont know what it is-including yourself.What influence has blt had on society?
    I can think of many religions that have a major detrimental influence on society:christianity,islam etc...
    Please explain what part of blt doctrine threatens and what risks it poses to this country.Please explain.
    #19     Nov 21, 2009

  10. I'm glad we can agree that bo's religion is a joke.

    However his admin seems awfully keen on using the underlying philosophy (of blt) as a tool of social analysis to correct perceived injustices and offer similar solutions (esp through governmental force).
    #20     Nov 21, 2009