Obama down to 45% Approval

Discussion in 'Politics' started by drjekyllus, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. Don't know,But the democratic nominee to win the presidency was the favorite like it is now
    #11     Sep 1, 2009
  2. My prediction was 100%

    sheessh...wasn't it oblivious?

    #12     Sep 1, 2009
  3. I absolutely love how Obama's approval numbers are tanking. If he rams this Socialized Health Care, and Cap & Con Bills through, his popularity numbers will go down into the 30's. lol
    It took Bush "8 years" for his approval numbers to get into the 30's, and it will take Obama less than a year to get there. lol At the rate Obama's numers are falling, he will go down as having one of the highest ratings to absolutely dismal in the fastest time in presidential history. Now that's change!!! His czar's had better get their resumes updated and ready to go out, as 2012 will be here soon. lol :p
    #13     Sep 1, 2009

  4. LOL!!!!!!!!!! That's the typical liberal repsonse. Blame Obama's tanking approval numbers on Republicans. How typical!!!! They also want to blame Republicans for the elderly folks that are protesting this health care legislation. Oh, I'm sorry, I mean the (Unruly Mobs) (Nazi's)..... words that these libertard Democrats use to describe these loyal Americans who don't want their health care rationed. The only true Nazi's I see are Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Waxman. :D
    #14     Sep 1, 2009
  5. Although I find your remarks candid, and therefore refreshing...could it possibly be that the growing angst against the democrats is the direct result of the democrats themselves ??

    I don't think that the conservatives need to help the democrats in their quest to self-destruct, in fact I think a courteous silence would be the best strategy for the loyal opposition.
    #15     Sep 1, 2009
  6. No one's self-destructing.
    Doesn't anyone around here do any research at all?
    Every time someone starts a thread like this, it's guaranteed to be based on Rasmussen, and Rasmussen was during the election, has been since the election, and probably always will be, an extreme outlier.
    See for yourself: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html

    Obama, and the Dems, are doing just fine. Regardless of what you think, this is not going to be a repeat of Clinton's first two years. That man in the WH is way smarter a politician than that.
    #16     Sep 1, 2009

  7. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever you say Mrs. Obama. lol :p

    Oh, and BTW, Zogby also has the furor at 45% approval rating. I know, it's all a right wing conspiracy isn't it? ROFLMAO!!!!!! Obama's fucked and he knows it!!! That what happens when a bunch of ignorant fools elect someone so radical, and "just now" their realizing this fact? Now their shitting their pants, and finally waking up, realizing they made the stupidist decision of their lives. Obama's gone in 2012. Even he knows that. :D
    #17     Sep 1, 2009
  8. I am supremely impressed at the level of your independent research. Brings a tear to my eye.
    #18     Sep 1, 2009
  9. CNN has Obama at 53 %

    The most accurate political predictor has the democratic nominee a 2-1 favorite for re election

    Stop letting rumnasson get your hopes up Repubs
    #19     Sep 1, 2009
  10. Also you might want to actually read the details of Zogby's results:

    That ain't because the country's turning more right wing. Far far from it. It's because his base (me included) is pissed he isn't giving you guys more hell.
    If he listens to us, you're going to be miserable by October.
    #20     Sep 1, 2009