Obama denies any video showing Michelle 'whitey' rant...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. That website is an Obama campaign operation and is full of easily disproved lies. For example, it claims Rush Limbaugh said the whitey tape exists. That is a total lie. He reported that there were rumors of such a tape, and expressly said he had no idea if they were true or not.

    It also says Obama was never a muslim. His father was muslim, and in islam, the child of a muslim father is deemed muslim. He also clearly attended muslim school in indonesia. So there is another lie for a website that claims to combat lies on Obama's behalf. Kind of makes you wonder what else they are lying about.
    #21     Jun 13, 2008
  2. Lucrum


    Apparently the sheepeople voting for him don't care.
    #22     Jun 13, 2008
  3. i predict that billo and fat limburger will die soon due to cardiac arrest.
    #23     Jun 13, 2008
  4. Yannis


    IMAO: Help Fight Unemployment

    "Barack hired himself some nerds ("A crack team of cybernauts") to help him squelch internet rumors. Their job is to "respond immediately to any inaccurate information about him".

    I'd hate to see these guys go back to coding web pages in exchange for Red Bull & Doritos, so here are some rumors for them to squelch:

    Obama sometimes posts at IMAO as "Aquaman".

    Obama is NOT a Muslim - he is a member of the Thuggee cult, a worshipper of Kali (Hindu goddess of death and destruction), and a devoted follower of Mola Ram. He once tried to rip the beating heart out of an American archaeologist. Obama recently left the cult and denounced Mola Ram - some say for purely political reasons.

    A WHOIS search shows that Obama owns www.hotnaughtygrannies.com

    Obama has six fingers on his right hand and is being stalked by a Spaniard.

    Barack IS the spoon.

    Nostradamus predicted "the dark man of hope and change will rule the New World for 1000 days before the Mad Persian burns his land with the fire of the sun. Serious negotiations to follow."

    Obama never tips white cab drivers.

    Closet cigarette smoker. Inhales frequently.

    Thinks about sex to prolong his ability to play baseball.

    Last Father's Day, told his daughters that the tie they gave him was "ugly and stupid. Just like you two!".

    Owns all six seasons of "Sex and the City" on DVD. Dressed as "Samantha" for the movie premier.

    Led the crusade to get Firefly canceled.

    What have YOU heard about the Obamanator?"

    :) :) :)
    #24     Jun 13, 2008
  5. piezoe


    Not really. Think about it.
    #25     Jun 13, 2008
  6. piezoe


    If you feel that way, then you should definitely vote for Obama. While neither McCain nor Obama is "black", Obama is the antithesis of "black."
    #26     Jun 13, 2008
  7. Interesting comment. You may be right, but the problem is that he has spent his adult life trying to prove that he is black. Hence, Rev. Wright, Father Pleger, etc. I think it is dangerous to have a leader who feels he has somethng to prove. Some have said this has been W's problem.

    My problem however is not with race. It is with the leftwing agenda. I referenced race in my earlier post in response to a claim that blacks lacked political power.
    #27     Jun 13, 2008
  8. As I mentioned somewhere else, that is petit power.

    All you mentioned is dependent on a tax base. If you press that tax base, they will move. When they move, the money dries up.

    That is why they cannot, as a general rule, educate their own children, or control their own neighborhoods effectively.

    Black neighborhoods and rising property values are an oxymoron.

    That has nothing to do with the left. That is directly correlated to who controls the banking industry. There is no comparison between the power of public versus private funds.
    #28     Jun 13, 2008
  9. There are ten jobs at a company. Two of them must be filled by minorities. Minorities is defined by any one who is not white and male.

    TWO jobs.

    That means that the other EIGHT jobs go to white males. And some white males have temerity to whine about this arrangement.

    Name ONE SNP 500 company where management reflects the racial composition of it's surrounding environment.

    That means, out of one hundred jobs, 12 must be blacks.

    Name ONE.
    #29     Jun 13, 2008
  10. Obama is called black because of the "one drop rule".

    This rule was created, codified, endorsed and enforced by white people.

    #30     Jun 13, 2008