Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jprad, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. Lucrum


    ...and of course, it's all Bush's fault...
    #11     Oct 24, 2009
  2. I live in rural America and our front page says, " 5 confirmed cases" in the area. I was at the doctors office this last week and the nurse told me that, yes there are a handful of "confirmed" cases but well over 120 unconfirmed cases and growing. Preety amazing for an area with only 30,000 total residents. I personally have 8 friends that have it or had it. Unconfirmed because it costs over $200 to send a swab to the CDC to have it ACCURATELY tested. There are a few inaccurate alternatives that are less costly. The doctor's are refusing to pass the costs off to the patients which is commendable. Some insurance is refusing to cover the costs.

    Farmers in the area know the vaccination process is a joke as well. The exact same process that creates livestock vaccine is used to create the human vaccine. The livestock vaccine, which by the way contains the same ingredients, costs less than $3 per individual dose. So what do you think the savings would be for a few million doses? One of the local producers called the lab yesterday and they told him they would create 500 doses for him within 24 hours and joked that the human version shortage was a contrived to keep the cost up and the flu from being contained. That on top of the human version being peddled for $25 a crack and you do the math. Don't have any advertising costs associated with this medication do we!

    The mess just continues to grow.
    #12     Oct 24, 2009
  3. 0bama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency

    Working hard for that Nobel Prize in Medicine.
    #13     Oct 24, 2009
  4. 1000 US citizens killed total from swine flu since it came out, 5000 people worldwide total.

    In the US alone, 43,000 people die every year from car crashes, 40% of them alcohol related. So that means 17k people die every year from alcohol related car crashes, yet nobody is in a panic to stop people from drinking even though it would save 17 times as many people as a swine flu vaccine.

    I think way too much money is being spend on this swine flu thing and way too much attention. There are many things out there that kill more than swine flu, but the big-pharma has alot of lobbyists pushing their agenda to sell you, as a taxpayer, something you dont really need.
    #14     Oct 24, 2009
  5. Well Obama is completely boned up on the job again. He said that by mid-October there would be 120 million doses of the vaccine available but as of now there are only 11 million does available. He only over estimated by 10 times. No big deal.

    Sort of like when he said unemployment would not top 8%.

    Another notable point of the story.

    "Many millions" of Americans have had swine flu so far, according to an estimate that CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden gave Friday. The government doesn't test everyone to confirm swine flu so it doesn't have an exact count. He also said there have been more than 20,000 hospitalizations."

    I pointed this out last week. The CDC made a big push to have testing for swine flu to be stopped as well as official counts being stopped. Once the testing and the counts are stopped it allows the CDC to make up whatever numbers they want. They can put out numbers that are completely off then if they get questioned they can just say "Its only an estimate."

    This whole thing is a hoax, it is completely over-hyped and it will be used by the Obama administration to score cheap political points. I predict this whole thing will be used as a tool to pass their bogus healthcare reform. Mark my words.
    #15     Oct 24, 2009
  6. On average 36,000 a year die from seasonal flu.
    #16     Oct 24, 2009
  7. Shagi


    Give the guy a break - in the long term its protecting your health. Dont be just a bigot - if Bush or Clinton had declared an emergency would you moan. Katrina what happened?
    #17     Oct 24, 2009
  8. Bill Sardi challenged those numbers as being way overblown too..

    Crisis is what government feeds off of, what it eats up to grow bigger.. we have two bogus ones going currently, global warming and swine flu... Obama's main goal in life is to go to the big conference in December and sign the US up for a treaty that will transfer wealth to the third world. That money will be used to destroy the recipients btw..

    I already had all the swine flu symptoms, I got a nebulizer and breathed colloidal silver and it helped my lungs and I took an antibiotic that wifey had left over because she was allergic to it and after a few days I was back good..
    #18     Oct 24, 2009
  9. You mean, give you a break. It's all about you.
    #19     Oct 24, 2009
  10. It's about control. They want people getting used to the government monitoring and controlling every move without question. They know that the "jobless recovery" and "new normal" rap isn't going to work much longer. With real unemployment approaching 20% and under employment adding another 20%, it won't be long until people take to the streets. People aren't just going to lay down and die. If a man doesn't have the opportunity to earn a living, that man will do what he must. This mess is just the beginning of things to come.
    Wouldn't surprise me at all to see next years elections put off. Can't make abrupt changes during a "crisis", don't ya' know. It's the only way the radical left maintains control of the house and senate.
    #20     Oct 24, 2009