Obama causes power blackouts across the south

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 377OHMS, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. California had an extended emergency period brought by many factors one of which included market manipulation. Even in the Bush years there was a go slow on permitting and I am now finding it difficult to assign blame on either Obama or the Greens. I wonder how much push the energy speculators have in policy formation and execution.
    #11     Feb 4, 2011
  2. pspr


    Thanks for the explanation.

    Obama's EPA with the new rules to limit CO2 are grinding to a halt any coal fired power plants as were planned in Texas. Texas and several other states are expected to sue the EPA over the new regulations. Congress is also planning action to limit the EPA in this area.
    #12     Feb 4, 2011
  3. Obama's EPA is blocking coal plant construction (except for favored supporters like GE), they have made it basically impossible to build nuke plants, they are blocking oil exploration or production wherever possible, yet they want to add tens of thousands of plug-in electric cars.

    They are being totally dishonest with the voters. Their ultimate goal is to raise energy prices dramatically to address another made-up crisis, global warming or climate change or whatever they are calling it this week. The obvious result of their policy will be gasoline prices at unheard of levels, maybe $8-9 a gallon, and utility bills several times what people pay now. They will create a depression and financial crisis that will make the last one seem like good times.

    Of course, the republicans can't get their heads out of their butts long enough to explain this to voters.
    #13     Feb 4, 2011
  4. I've lived in GA, CA, NY, IL, TN, never experienced a blackout... Except for briefly in a thunderstorm or such... Never a "blackout" as I understand the term...

    #14     Feb 4, 2011
  5. pspr


    #15     Feb 4, 2011
  6. The Dems are intentionally making energy more expensive. The poor and middle class will require more assistance and tax credits. The intention is to capture more votes: look what we did for you. Republicans are spineless.
    #16     Feb 4, 2011
  7. To its great shame the EPA in the Bush years did not seem to be in a hurry assist the US fossil fuel industry either, they are making things difficult now just as they did before. The US nuke industry has been suffering for decades nobody wants to know about nuke power and the only Republican interested in it is Charles Montgomery Burns, jeez folks they cut the sod at Watts Bar in 1973 and they reckon it might be finished by 2012 now there's commitment for you. Personally I think the Obama administration is not doing anything for the energy industry but hey who has recently.
    #17     Feb 4, 2011
  8. I did clarify on the regions that were hit by rolling blackouts.
    #18     Feb 4, 2011
  9. 377OHMS


    Why? Who does that help and how does it help them?
    #19     Feb 4, 2011
  10. They think having the ability to control which company or industry gets to use energy and how much it costs is worth any crisis. Think of the political power that would hand them.

    We already see the leverage they got from being able to exempt companies and unions from obamacare. I'm still waiting for someone to explain how that is constitutional. I naively assumed the laws were supposed to apply equally to all citizens. Except congress of course.

    They will blame high prices on greedy oil companies and utilities. Mark my words.
    #20     Feb 5, 2011