Obama causes power blackouts across the south

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 377OHMS, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. 377OHMS


  2. pspr


    Well, we can't use more oil. That releases CO2. We can't go back to wood because that releases CO2. What's left? Genocide. The reduction in the size of the population!

    That's what you get when you take Obama's energy policy to it's logical conclusion. Genocide.
  3. Nuclear Energy.....its more efficient , cleaner and a lot more cheaper. We could run cables to the rest of the world and before you know it...our deficit will be wiped out.
  4. 377OHMS


    Where do you put the waste material? Harry won't let it go to Nevada.
  5. pspr


    Using thorium greatly reduces the waste material but the U.S. currently is not researching this alternative nuclear fuel. However, China is. (Come on Obama, get with the program.)
  6. Jeez you guys have had rolling blackouts for years its hardly new.

  7. We would ship it to China...after all they ship all of theirs to us.
  8. pspr


    Who has? I've lived in Nebraska, Colorado, Florida and Texas and have never had rolling blackouts. My co-op power company is still not having rolling blackouts but everyone else in Texas is experiencing them.
  9. Texas had them in April 2006 and California has had them for years. There has been something a lack of investment in both generation and grid in certain US regions for the last 20 years.
  10. pspr


    I don't see a history of consistent rolling blackouts except in emergency situations.

    Regardless, it is the blocking of new plants in this area by the Feds that has let the situation here become dire.
    #10     Feb 4, 2011