Obama can instill civic responsibility – through a mandatory Youth Corps

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TraderZones, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. :D

    For example, if talknet had been shot at a few times as a youth, he most likely would realize the stupidity of posting shit like this:

    #31     Jan 27, 2009
  2. I hear ya'. I just get pissed when I read about people complaining that nobody was asked to sacrifice after 9/11, which is true to a point, but now gripe about this type of service. I made a mistake in calling everyone a coward. Such broad generalizations are stupid. I apologize, but there's a freeloading coward out there somewhere and you know who you are, so fuck him whoever he is. LOL!
    At some point all of us need to start giving something back for this freedom we enjoy.
    Peace brother! I don't even own a gun anymore. Hope I never need one again.
    #32     Jan 27, 2009

  3. Ha ha no worries bro! Truth be told your generalization was most likely much more right than it was wrong.

    Peace out broheem. See you around.
    #33     Jan 27, 2009
  4. Lucrum


    Obama supporters to be sure.
    #34     Jan 28, 2009
  5. Let me expalin why I have a problem with this type of program. First, we have soemthing called the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits involuntary servitude. In the case of the military draft, the Supreme court made an exception based on history and the need for the country to be able to defend itself. I cannot see any such justification for mandatory civilian service, no matter how it is spun.

    Second, I am suspicious of national movements, particularly when they are organized by the government. Demands that "everyone" owes service to the country evoke images of Nazism to me, just substitute the Fatherland and Der Furher. Throw in the Obama personality cult and it is easy for me to foresee a day when we have 2 million blank-eyed youth on the National Mall, only not to celebrate Obama's inauguration but to demand he be made El Presidente for Life or some other idea form the third world tyrant handbook. Far-fetched? Maybe, but they probably thought the same thing in venezuela.

    There is nothing wrong with community service, provided it is local and voluntary. That is why I object to mandatory programs in schools, which are becoming increasingly common. What does community service have to do with education? Because it improves a person? Does that give the school's authority to insist that kids eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise and not drive over the speedlimit? Where does it end? And who are school administrators to decide what is appropriate and what is not?

    This is a very slippery slope that ends up with left wing pols like Rahm emanuel ordering your kids around.
    #35     Jan 28, 2009
  6. 151


    CaptainO I no its not necessary but I would like to clarify that I am 100% for service to ones country. 100%.

    Had I known then what I know now I would have skipped my stint in college and gone into the military. I also employ three men who got orders last week they are headed to camp shelby the first of may 2009 and from there to Iraq.

    Two of them have already been to Iraq and one of them reenlisted after his duty was up. He did this because the second is his younger brother and, well you know.

    I also fully understand that there are thousands of other great men since 9/11 that have made sacrifice after sacrifice.

    None of these things though changes the fact that mandatory service is not freedom.

    I can't say that I understand how you feel. But did you serve your country in order to give it the power to require service from its people?

    Or did you serve because you see the greatness in a country that produces men and women who want to serve, even for the benifit of "emo" kids?
    #36     Jan 28, 2009
  7. Well, the truth be told I served my country because as a 18 year old kid I believed my governments bullshit about fighting communism in far away lands. Turned out that wasn't quite the case.
    Fast forward 40 years and our government is still spinning the same bullshit, with a different twist.
    So the obvious question is, why the hell do I support mandatory service? First off it builds some character and gives one some real perspective. Secondly the real world experiences, the good and the bad, are priceless.
    When I refer to service I don't necessarily mean military service. There are plenty of other ways to serve one's country that don't involve learning how to kill people.
    Yes I know, as AAA stated, it could be a slippery slope, but the alternative of doing nothing for your country, which is exactly what we're doing now, is also a slippery slope. A slope that leads us in to such a state of complacency that we don't realize how our enemies, both foreign and domestic, are putting the screws to us.
    What to do...
    P.S. Those domestic enemies would be the Congress of the United States.
    #37     Jan 28, 2009
  8. the first way to give back to your country, is to protect it's feedom.

    and you dont do that by creating a program that thinks first what to mandate, then decide what to mandate for

    that's 100% backwards

    each and every requirement of the government from the people MUST be justified

    we've already dumped these kids in up to their ears in debt

    the least we can do, is not implede their reaching adulthood, and reduce their lifetime earnings even further
    #38     Jan 28, 2009
  9. Self-Absorbed Couch Potatoes: Unite!
    #39     Jan 28, 2009
  10. Lucrum


    Hey, can I get their phone number from you Dawg?
    I Googled SACP but couldn't find anything.
    #40     Jan 28, 2009