Obama busses in protesters to Wisconsin

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hippie, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. zdreg


    #51     Feb 21, 2011
  2. Wisconsin Power Play

    Krugman gets it.

    Republicans further push the middle class into the underclass. And of course the PODS (Party of the Dumb Supporters) go along with this even if it negatively impacts them, ie they are union workers and support their bargaining power taken away.
    #52     Feb 21, 2011
  3. Roark


    Krugman's a shill. There is nothing he has to say that is ever worth listening to. He was the phucking idiot blaming Palin for the shooting in Arizona.
    #53     Feb 21, 2011
  4. LEAPup


    I used to work for a Dallas based wealth management firm, and was in TX often. Love it there! I call Texas the last true piece of America. :)
    #54     Feb 21, 2011
  5. I'm talking about the state of the economy. These deficits should have never been an issue, but we shipped all our hard-earned greenbacks over seas to rebuild a country that wasn't ours on the basis of WMD's.

    The Democrats in Wisconsin used FEDERAL money to cover up this mess instead of dealing with it head on. The people in this thread don't know the whole story. Instead to post lies, like Obama bussed these people in.

    This is nothing to do with OBAMA, however Bush ran EVERY company he ever dealt with into the ground. Arbusto, Spectrum 7, and Harken are laughing stocks of the oil industry. Then he created a deficit the size of Texas that was the amazingly made worse by Obama. You guys takes sides when you fail to realize everyone sucks.

    Yeah 9 minor arrests out of 70,000 people. What a disgrace. Do you even put a thought in before you speak? Leapy we established in the other threads that you're an idiot.
    #55     Feb 21, 2011
  6. With very few exceptions, public school teachers in America are a despicable bunch.
    #56     Feb 21, 2011
  7. LOL. Unreal. Well, we know where your bias sits. Care to explain why? You went to the wrong school then. There were a handful of bad eggs out there, but you get that anywhere. You sound like your a difficult person to deal with.

    They obviously didn't teach you to debate with credible sources.
    #57     Feb 21, 2011


    It is a disgrace. Rather than doing their jobs -- teaching, they are (1) out protesting, apparently more concerned about their pensions and health care benefits than the kids they're supposed to be teaching (2) falsely claiming to be sick and unable to be in the classroom. You call that commendable behavior?

    Plenty of teachers out of work who would likely jump at a chance to be back in the classroom. And what they should do if this continues is resume classes and bring in subs who are willing to focus on the kids. Just like Michelle Rhee has pointed out -- much of education is not focused on the kids but rather on the teachers due to the unions and the hardball tactics they employ.
    #58     Feb 21, 2011
  9. How about going to your nearest mosque and blowing yourself up for penance?
    #59     Feb 21, 2011
  10. Lucrum


    I do. :)
    #60     Feb 21, 2011