Obama Bows Again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by drjekyllus, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. nope.. hey the economy is tough at the moment, gotta cut corners somewhere
    #21     Nov 15, 2009
  2. we didnt raise an african american to the presidency

    we lowered the presidency to a slave
    #22     Nov 15, 2009
  3. Why hasnt Obama bowed down to the european royals yet?

    Does he rates europeans inferior to the Japanese?
    #23     Nov 15, 2009
  4. 46 handshakes, One bow

    Compilation of Emperor Akihito shaking hands with other foreign (and domestic) leaders, juxtaposed to Obama shaking hands with Emperor Akihito. Does anyone notice the difference? (Hint: Look at the angle created between Obama's Legs and torso)

    #24     Nov 16, 2009
  5. saxon



    Thanks for the mini-lesson on Japanese bowing traditions. (and i mean that). Now, for a more penetrating question requiring sublime knowledge of these rituals:

    Was Bush Senior's refusal to give the Emperor more that the most imperseptable bow (if at all), a breech of Japanese etiquette? Or was it justified by some obscure clause in Japanese decorum that excuses "victorious" enemy combatants from these gestures?

    My suspicion (admittedly uninformed) is that these sorts of martial rituals tend to reinforce the archaic notion of "might makes right," and for that reason...they have no place in the modern world.

    Is there no universal difference in human cultures, worldwide, between a bow and a handshake? I think we are all still animal enough to know that there is. I suggest that a DOG knows the difference between shaking hands, and lying on its back. And they are EXPERTS in the area of dominance and submission.
    #25     Nov 17, 2009
  6. saxon


    "we"?? lol

    I'm sure that things like presidential elections are far too frightening (or just too damn much trouble) for YOU to become one of WE...(the voters).

    Stay under your rock. It's your true calling.
    #26     Nov 17, 2009

  7. I am not Japanese, but was curious for the Japanese culture to bow when I see this thread. So I find that link from the internet.
    Obama is the guest in that country, so he show respect by learning the culture where he visits. I do not see submission that way. Same way George Bush is not gay because he hold hands with the Arab man.
    #27     Nov 17, 2009
  8. Interesting article in the LA Times, normally at the head of the line of media slurpers for Obama. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/11/obama-emperor-akihito-japan.html

    They include a video of numerous foreign dignitaries meeting the Japanese emperor, all without the slightest hint of a bow. Apparently no international incidents ensued.

    Also, the video clearly demonstrates that there was no reciprocal bow from the emperor towards Obama. Apparently he doesn't bow to anyone.
    #28     Nov 17, 2009
  9. TGregg


    I'm confident all foreign leaders understand that The One is subservient.
    #29     Nov 17, 2009
  10. So you're saying that our President has more class than other world leaders? I agree that he does.

    Pretty childish to even have this type of discussion. Civilized people greet each other in various ways, always have, and hopefully always will.

    #30     Nov 18, 2009