Obama Birth Certificate Issue Goes to Hawaii Supreme Court

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sg20, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. hey fellas, you like researching this stuff so much, I found some more records for you!


    did you go after bush with the same fervor as Obama? If so, please list why not:


    Thanks for your time!
    #51     Oct 26, 2008
  2. oh boy-- here's another!

    from, why look at this, WND! Jerome Corsi's employer! wow!

    "So what's the answer? Was he AWOL or not? The truth is, we don't know for sure. But there's lots of evidence he was. And the White House can't produce any evidence he wasn't.

    Here's what we know: In 1968, as a Congressman's son, young George Bush was able to get a rare slot in the Texas Air National Guard, and thus escape service in Vietnam. He was accepted for pilot training, even though he scored only 25 percent on the aptitude test, the lowest acceptable grade.

    In May 1972, Bush was permitted to transfer to the Alabama National Guard in order to work on the U.S. Senate campaign of Republican Winton Blount. Now stop right there. We taxpayers pay to train him as a fighter pilot and he's assigned to work in a Senate campaign? How many Guardsmen in Iraq today would like that cushy assignment? And how many do you think would get it? "
    #52     Oct 26, 2008
  3. Gord


    I'll answer your question if you will answer mine (after all, I asked first):

    If Obama has nothing to fear, why are he and the DNC using every legal angle (and maybe illegal) they can find to keep anyone from seeing his vault certificate of live birth?
    #53     Oct 26, 2008
  4. you've provided zero attribution of any legal action the DNC is using. please post a link, or go away.
    #54     Oct 26, 2008
  5. Gord


    The DNC has been filing blocking motions.

    I play by the Obama rules - keep everything secret except for that which you wish to release. So no links.

    Now, why are Obama and the DNC setting up every roadblock they can think of to keep anyone from seeing his vault certificate of live birth? :confused:
    #55     Oct 26, 2008
  6. McCain should produce his original birth certificate too. For all we know he is the illegitimate child of a Panamanian.
    #56     Oct 26, 2008
  7. Gord


    So go file a law suit and then start a thread...

    Why do you think that Obama and the DNC are setting up every roadblock they can think of to keep anyone from seeing his vault certificate of live birth? :confused:
    #57     Oct 26, 2008
  8. Why should I have to spend money to file a lawsuit? McCain's campaign should provide his birth certificate for inspection the same way Obama's has. Has he? If not, why not? Why aren't you in an uproar over it?
    #58     Oct 26, 2008
  9. Gord


    I have no idea whether he has or not. Stop acting like an Obama welfare socialist who expects others to do your work for you. Go do some research and find out for yourself... [​IMG]


    Why do you think that Obama and the DNC are setting up every roadblock they can think of to keep anyone from seeing his vault certificate of live birth? :confused:
    #59     Oct 26, 2008
  10. Legal question: How does filing for an immediate dismissal (and being granted an immediate dismissal) constitute a "roadblock?"

    Ignoring that they've already released the birth certificate showing the place of birth, of course.
    #60     Oct 26, 2008