Obama-Biden Tax Calculator

Discussion in 'Politics' started by walter4, Oct 14, 2008.

    #11     Oct 14, 2008
  2. How convenient of you to completely forget about the $1700 per year "tax" that each of us gets docked having to pay for "Operation Iraqi Freedom".

    The neocons, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, etc. were just totally unrealistic. "We are dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon." – Wolfowitz, March 28, 2003.

    Thanks for adding your two cents.
    You don't sound very credible either.
    #12     Oct 14, 2008
  3. sho-tim


    I really have to laugh when I hear liberals talk about conservatives wanting to make our children pay for our spending.

    What is it that liberals want to do? Are they willing to pay for their spending?
    The answer is a resounding NO! They want their programs for their constituents, and they want "the rich" to pay for it. In other words, they want to spend without having to pay for it. Same thing, just someone different to lay the bill on.
    #13     Oct 14, 2008
  4. You will probably not get a tax cut under the Obama-Biden plan.

    #14     Oct 14, 2008
  5. Wallet


    I ran the Obama/Obiden tax calculator for all wage levels......... why is it that those 40K and under who pay little and many who pay NO taxes, get additional tax cuts? Those wage levels pay basically nill in total taxes recieved.

    The biggest cuts are for those who pay the least. This is just increasing the minimum taxable wage level.

    It's just a way for the left to increase their enfranchised herd.
    #15     Oct 14, 2008
  6. The Obama campaign is full of props and gimmicks.

    Why anybody earning over 35K would vote for this clown is beyond comprehension.
    #16     Oct 14, 2008
  7. Wallet


    I take it by the use of the "probably", we can expect a tax hike.

    His new Tax Advisory Man.... Ben Dover.
    #17     Oct 14, 2008
  8. In a twisted way, I almost want Obama to win at this point just so these obsessed, obama man loving fools can learn the hard way what this idiot is all about.
    #18     Oct 14, 2008
  9. Alright, the long & short of it is this: WE DON'T NEED TO CUT TAXES.

    Our tax rates are the absolute lowest of ALL industrailized nations. We need to focus on BALANCING the BUDGET.

    It is so unfortunate for our nation that Obama & McCain have to resort to 'tax cutting' to win this election. It is time for our leaders to step it up, a la Jimmy Carter, and inform the American public that DEFICIT SPENDING is a TAX INCREASE.

    On a personal note: I made 159K last year; paid 28.7K in taxes (Federal). I live in TN which has no State income tax (of course, look where we are vis-a-vis National std. of living).

    In any event, the 18% or so that I paid is diddly-squat to other industrailized nations. (I paid $1,200 in property tax on 125 acres).

    Stop crying about taxes; there are far more important issues in life.
    #19     Oct 14, 2008
  10. Aok


    And Bush is a borrow and spend, pay back more interest to the Chinese while you look the other way as he sells off USA Inc to the Arabs kind of guy.

    Bush made Clinton look like a tightwad.

    I doubt B.O. could spend more. Best part is with certain recession for 09, and not wanting to cripple economy with fragile recovery in 2010, 2 years of Obama spending are effectively negated.

    The coming insolvency of medicare, s.s, etc will make this current bank fiasco look like a picnic. Inflate or die.
    #20     Oct 14, 2008