Obama and Wright- How can you tell?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NeoRio1, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. WoW :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Jefferson Davis for president
    #11     Oct 3, 2008
  2. You're so out of touch it's not funny. Treason, huh? You FUCKING DOUCHEBAG. So now is it going to be a CRIME for states rights advocates to abdicate secession? Or to make ANY type of protest speech? I bet you support the flag burning amendment too. Listen you stupid fuck the 1st amendment isn't there for your porn-loving ass it's there so that I can hold a meeting and say LET'S SECEDE.

    You lefties had better hear the news. The U.S. is ONE DECADE from being the U.S.S.R. Alaska will be the first to go. I think you were the dummy to criticize Palin for her mentioning the oil profit checks to Alaskans. Wise up. Those people are NOT going to live way up there and friggin' SERF 6 months a year for Barrack Obama and Harry Reid. Don't assume Texas couldn't boogie either. Those two states have a pre-America identity, LOATHE the Federal government and they're openly REBELLIOUS. How the FUCK do you think Ron Paul gets elected? These are zealots who LITERALLY believe in "give me liberty or give me death." Yes you the Democrats. You the Obama's. You are THE REDCOATS. You are the taxers, the takers, the czars of immorality, the ENEMY OF THE WAGE EARNER AND PROPERTY OWNER.

    I support Palin ONLY BECAUSE she's a states rights person. You and all the fuckhead satanic leftists here have one thing in common and it's obvious to all. YOU'RE FASCISTS. You're anti speech, class warfare fighting entitlement junkies. You're liars-intellectually dishonest and untruthful even to yourselves. You will die. As both a movement and literally. The people you fear you'd BETTER fear because they'll take your Marxist world down with one bomb. When the Treasury fails and it's a coming-this place is South America.
    #12     Oct 3, 2008
  3. Do you realize there are those inviduals in society that either can't or don't want to be a businessman(woman)? There are other occupations besides money making. If we are talking about scientists for example, it is incumbent upon society to establish opportunities for those people to just create and invent and channel their inner strengths towards what they do best. The end (long-term)result of this will be progress (and prosperity) shared by all.
    #13     Oct 3, 2008
  4. Sounds like something out of the south leading up to the civil war .Texas tried to succeed once,didnt work out to well for them

    Texas may have elected Ron Paul,But they also elected Bush twice . As the hispanic population grows in Texas so will support for the Democratic party. keeping Texas a red state should be of more importance to you then Texas seceding
    #14     Oct 3, 2008
  5. Publix you are right by saying there are other occupations for making money. BUT, money is what causes these other occupations to come about. Money is the one main motivation factor for getting things done.

    As for insider trading. I understand the pain wright went through when he and all African Americans were unfairly treated. The only problem is that when wright made his radical statments the world he lived in then was not the world he lived in when African Americans were unfairly treated. It should be agreed upon that Obama knew Wright was a radical. I think it should also be agreed upon that Obama believed in Wright's radical views or else he would not have been friends with him for 20 years.

    All i ask for is civilized debating instead of playing the blame game.
    #15     Oct 3, 2008

  6. Haha Pabst. This would bother me a lot more if, during the DNC, I hadn't met ultra-liberal douchbags who literally handed my a pamphlet from the "communist part of america" and told me we needed to end capitalism once and for all. I don't know who is worse, but hopefully you crazies will balance each other out.
    #16     Oct 3, 2008
  7. Give me one example of something better for society that doesn't have a profit motive coefficient? Cures for disease? Alt energy? You'd raise a billion this weekend with something viable. Are you so friggin' naive to not think there are scientists and engineers all over the world working on cancer cures and battery engines with or without the Federal government writing the check? Local problems need local solutions. That day to day needs of government come from services almost in total provided at the state and local level. Those levels of government subsist on peanuts while the Washington war for Israel machine and the federal entitlement maze dine on filet. It's OVER.
    #17     Oct 3, 2008
  8. Those are fighting words. The gloves are coming off now.

    Hitler hated porn (even though he got off having Eva Braun defecate on his face). Stalin hated porn. You hate porn.

    Therefore, you = Hitler and Stalin.
    #18     Oct 3, 2008
  9. No it is not. It is the republican point of view that "rich people create jobs" which makes it seem like it is a one way street when in fact there is interdependence and symbiosis. There is a real good example to nuke all of this to shreds.

    Modern IT economy has produced many billionaires: Bill Gates, Google boys, Larry ellison, michael dell, steve jobs, etc. But all this wealth would not be possible without one thing - the transistor. Without transistors there are no circuits, no microprocessors, no pc and no software to make that pc (or apple) come alive. Transistors were created by several passionate and knowledgeable scientists. Without their expertise (life time learning and passion) no transistor, no Bill Gates.

    The classes are interconnected and "rich people" get something in return for the salary they pay to the workers - they get expertise. Microsoft, for example would not be able to create Microsoft Office without individuals with a clear passion for computer science (bill gates could not write all this code by himself). Without expert programmers, your product is not competitive, company does not make any money.

    It is not that people in 3rd world countries are dumber than in USA (I know Americans like to think that way but that is simply not the case), the problem that in a 3rd world country HUMAN TALENT GETS WASTED. A bright student in Poland will not have the same opportunities as a bright student in USA. Not in terms of salary, research opportunities, education, etc. Too often brilliant people in 3rd world countries spend their whole existence simply trying to stay afloat instead of realizing their full potential. As a result things tend to continue as they are. Romania will never be a world leader in nano technology or microprocessor design or aircraft production, etc.

    So as we can tell, it is far more complicated than cutting taxes for rich people and "letting them create jobs". "Rich people" also create the kind of sweatshop jobs that nobody would want if they had a choice.
    #19     Oct 3, 2008
  10. It's crazy to think but we would not have anything without money. I will argue with myself and say im wrong by saying that you will still have the great people in your life such as friends and family. I would then say that argument is incorrect because we would all starve if we didn't actually have massive farms with amazing technologies and automobiles driving the food to us. Why don't we all just starve to death? Money.

    Besides that I have seen a bunch of liberals on this site and none of them have provided any proof that Obama does not obtain the same views as his radical pastor Wright. Still waiting.
    #20     Oct 3, 2008