Obama And The New Auto Regulations

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by EMRGLOBAL, May 19, 2009.

  1. so most of you here claim to be patriotic and mostly short and hope the country goes down.

    Food for thought.
    #41     May 20, 2009

  2. This is a very important summary.

    The question I have is who are the people that Obama talking to?

    Perhaps the technology can provide the mpg goals but who wants the vehicle? None of the above (from your list) will meet their needs.

    The main obstacle to public transportation is not the limits of service but who we share a ride with on the subway or bus.

    Suits ride with gangsta's? Not when they have a choice.
    #42     May 20, 2009
  3. gangof4


    radical ruinous change is what happens in times like this when change is needed but, because of dolts like you, radicals are put in power who dictate change that is not in the long term interests of the citizens of the afflicted country and is in opposition to the historic ideals of the country.

    along those lines, embracing destructive change (or being to thick to tell the difference) isn't the road to nirvana that you have conjured in your pompous head. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot.... all used the gullibility of such as you to sweep in massive change. not saying he's Hitler, but Obama has the whole cult of personality megalomaniac thing going on just the same- all a HARPO production that gives the nazi propaganda machine a run for its money.
    #43     May 20, 2009
  4. Being short or occassionally taking a short position does not mean you are not patriotic it just means you are playing both sides of the market. There obviously comes a time where a stock has just run up to far to be long.

    When I am short a positon it has nothing to do with me wanting the country to go down the tubes. What is the difference with a bank selling their positions which are large which drives the stock price down or their position in puts to hedge themselves?
    #44     May 20, 2009
  5. Lol, that was pretty good. Luckily I do have a real home.

    My truck is hooked up to a roughly 6000lb trailer of concrete forms most of the time. I don't think an Escape would quite do the job, and I don't consider it a full size truck. I am all for fuel efficiency, but lets see it in some larger vehicles as well that are capable of working.

    No idea what an xdrive is, sounds interesting. Any links to it?
    #45     May 20, 2009
  6. lrm21


    It was a free country.

    Its none of your business how I spend my money.

    My priority is the safety of my family.

    If your priority is feeling good about yourself and jacking off to your imaginary earth diety. Good for you.

    It was a free country and if you want to drive your kids around in paper mache car..good for you.

    The good thing about this whole disaster is there will be enough spare parts and american SUVs to last another 100 years with out needing to purchase a new car.

    I won't buy cars manufactured by evil socialists.
    #46     May 20, 2009
  7. +10 000 000 000
    #47     May 20, 2009
  8. Japan and Germany are so very very evil.

    #48     May 20, 2009
  9. gangof4


    WOW, did you reading comprehension fail you on that one.
    #49     May 20, 2009
  10. LOL!!!
    #50     May 20, 2009