Obama And The New Auto Regulations

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by EMRGLOBAL, May 19, 2009.

  1. gangof4


    well, you have the right handle there, sally.

    let me clue your 'scary dumb ass' in: those of us who have performance cars enjoy driving them. you might want to scroll up to that little Declaration of Independence quote. we're American's, not North Korean's. we have individual rights- or, at least we used to until dolts like you looking for 'change' elected someone who thinks he should dictate what we do with our lives. this is his fantasy- banks, car makers, you name it- thru TARP and the like, he now has the power to abuse to control a bunch of industries. fantastic- 'save' them so you can control them- jsut like the founding father's intended (cough cough).

    btw, hairdresser, those of us who own cars that go from 0-60 fast, from my experience, own more than one vehicle (oh, the horror). most of my miles go on a car that gets >30 mpg (used to think that was pretty good, not good enough for comrade Obama). i drive my 'scary' cars, that i've probably had longer than you've been alive, on nice days, some trips, and when i'm not going somewhere where some idiot is going to slash my ragtop so he can look in the glove box for something to steal. you may be saying 'i don't care'. and you shouldn't.... it's none of your f-ing business and, guess what, it's none of the government's business either. no free man wants some megalomaniac telling him what he can drive.

    you must not be old enough to have lived thru Carter. same same- govt. that thinks it's better at making decisions about your life than you and that lunatics around the world who have been brainwashed to some ridiculous religious beliefs since birth are going to listen to 'reason'. can't we all jsut get along? yeah, maybe in a few hundred thousand years when we've ALL evolved to that point. humans are hard wired to survival in a much different world- the wiring hasn't evolved here any more than its evolved to quit storing fat due to the hard wired famine response. at least liberals agree with evolution, too bad you're not smart enough to understand the implications.

    oh, and as for 'ruining the world'- what are you, 12? driving a Ford may be a horrific choice, but i don't think it quite qualifies for membership in the 'ruining the world' club. do you realize how stupid you come across? for the record: most of the people who have had a negative impact on others in this world (can't use your ridiculous wording) have been people who TRY TO CONTROL OTHERS OR OTHERWISE ACT TO RESTRICT THE FREEDOMS OF PEOPLE. iow, people cut from the same cloth as your hero.

    shouldn't you be in a drum circle somewhere and not on a trading site?...
    #21     May 20, 2009
  2. I spent 35 years in the auto industry before I retired. The solutions built by all the auto companies were not random. Most of these were built by strong customer demand. Obama has blinders on. He only thinks in a narrow channel. Obama’s cookie cutter solutions will have profound long term affects on the America and the American consumer.

    Here are a couple of areas Obama is affecting with his ultimatum:
    - Hauling Vehicles. Try to pull a boat, camper or trailer with an Obama gas saver truck. Performance will go to hell the minute you add the weight. LOL a Ford F150 is going to get 30 MPG pulling a 5000 lb boat!
    - Transportation Vehicles. Families have been demanding bigger vehicles to move 4 children or take the “Big” vacation. Now Obama is going to build 39 MPG transportation vehicles? LOL a Chrysler Caravan with the wife 3 kids and a dog and two weeks of camping gear getting 39 MPG!
    - SUV Vehicles. People in the colder climes of North America depend on the SUV as safe transportation to drive to work in 12 inches of snow. It and 39 MPG do not compute. LOL driving a Honda CRV in Buffalo N.Y. typical 18 inch one time snows to get 39 MPG is going to make a lot of people very nervous.

    I could write all day to add to that list. But what Obama is plainly telling you is your way of life is going to come to end. He is going to force you out of your big car in to a small one or better yet to public transportation. The era of the freedom of choice and freedom of the road is ending if Obama has his way.
    #22     May 20, 2009
  3. And G_d Bless that.

    U selfish f's.
    #23     May 20, 2009
  4. I recently saw one on the streets of NYC, and I agree with you 1,000%!

    Those cars are conceivably more dangerous than motorcycles (very little protection added while you have a hellva whole lot less manuverability).

    They are one of the worst ideas I've ever seen, and should be put to stringent "crash tests" to determine whether the occupants would survive, and if so, how badly they would be crippled, in the case of an accident.
    #24     May 20, 2009
  5. It's funny how "Europe" has become an argument in itself on the left wing. WTF is so freaking great about Europe? Why are Europeans automatically right in everything they do? I hate this left wing stupidity.

    BTW. I don't see many smart cars in the part of Europe I live. It's funny how I, however, see more and more big American SUVs. I live in a little town, and just three years ago I never saw a Dodge RAM on any roads in the country. Now my little city has at least three of them driving around. People drive small cars because government forces them to, through excessive income taxes, excessive property taxes, excessive automobile taxes (200% registration fee and a 300% gas tax on every litre) + pollution tax, weight tax and an extra $5,000 per year to be taxed by income tax because you own a car.
    #25     May 20, 2009
  6. Way to dictate what I should or shouldn't drive. It's my helluva god damn choice. You stay out of that decision. You and your big government friends should start practicing what you preach instead of shoving your beliefs down my throat.

    You guys are making the world a helluva boring place. No longer am I allowed to do anything without some government official looking over my shoulder. You are only creating inefficiency through your stupid bureaucracy. If anybody wanted your stupid hybrids and small cars, they'd have gotten them a long time ago - but you guys apparently doesn't care about choice; you care about your own agenda and nothing more. You pretend to "work for the people" but all you do is shoving things down their throats they don't like nor ever asked for.

    I hate this homogenization of society. Everything's got to meat government standards; fuck freedom and choice. Let's make the world a fucking sorry place to live.

    Government keeps destroying the dream of liberty. Fuck your standardization. We conservatives and libertarians like diversity, which you once did, too. Too bad you've sold out on your own beliefs.
    #26     May 20, 2009
  7. The "Freedom of Freedom", too. :mad:
    #27     May 20, 2009
  8. The only time you're going to see data come from the left is when it's construed to fit their agenda.

    Crash data does not fit the agenda.
    #28     May 20, 2009
  9. Just like the stringent "stress" tests that were put on the banks. Word is that Obama will be personally "crash testing" these new cars with foam walls mixed with feathers from the softest pillows in the world.
    #29     May 20, 2009
  10. Quote from Carbonator:

    Way to dictate what I should or shouldn't drive. It's my helluva god damn choice. You stay out of that decision. You and your big government friends should start practicing what you preach instead of shoving your beliefs down my throat.

    I drive a Civic, changed out all my bulbs for compact fluorescents, and am generally careful. And I am a white conservative Republican.

    Secondly, it was also a choice to lynch blacks and keep them out of schools. Sometimes dictates have a reason.

    The concept that there is nothing wrong with our current way of life with relation to the environment is an ignorant one.

    You guys are making the world a helluva boring place. No longer am I allowed to do anything without some government official looking over my shoulder. You are only creating inefficiency through your stupid bureaucracy.

    Inefficiency? We now export over 50% of our oil, and are funding Iran, Chavez, and a number of other organizations that would like to cause us some major hurting.

    If anybody wanted your stupid hybrids and small cars, they'd have gotten them a long time ago - but you guys apparently doesn't care about choice; you care about your own agenda and nothing more. You pretend to "work for the people" but all you do is shoving things down their throats they don't like nor ever asked for.

    You are paranoid. Try going to some of the low lying countries like Bangladesh and island countries, which are getting close to losing a huge amount of coastlands to saltwater intrusion, tropical storm swells and flooding

    I hate this homogenization of society. Everything's got to meat government standards; fuck freedom and choice. Let's make the world a fucking sorry place to live.

    That is "meet" not "meat". Sheesh.

    Government keeps destroying the dream of liberty. Fuck your standardization. We conservatives and libertarians like diversity, which you once did, too. Too bad you've sold out on your own beliefs.

    I am both conservative and libertarian. But I am sorry you try to put yourself in the same group. Holding your breath until you turn blue and throwing temper tantrums when we are faced with enormous world problems is obstructionist, not libertarian.

    You will throw another tirade, but you will be on ignore so I don't give a whoopee
    #30     May 20, 2009