Obama Already Has China Playing Defense

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ByLoSellHi, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. BiHiSellLo is the biggest tool since Black and Decker. Keep drinking the kool-aid dumbshit. I prefer Old Milwaukee

    Rennick out:cool:
  2. Ha! What we outta do is take the 800 b in infrastructure money and create affordable housing out of Empty shipping containers and sell the mortgages on the containers back to the chinese.
  3. Hilarious and so freakin' true!
  4. We get it, crystal ball Billy. You are distraught to see Dubya go.

    Get over it, shnook.

    hapaboy, the best you can ever hope to be is the lackey for the dolts of the world. Your loyalty to the bottom of the genetic pool knows no boundaries.
  5. ^^You're dumb.

    Real dumb.

    Your man-love for Obama is disturbing, but when you're a moonbat shill, it's to be expected.
  6. Mercor


    In a written submission to the Senate Finance Committee, Mr. Geithner said the Obama Administration "believes that China is manipulating its currency." He says he wants Treasury to make "the fact-based case that market exchange rates are a central ingredient to healthy and sustained growth." The dollar promptly fell and gold jumped $40 on the news.

    We're not sure what Mr. Geithner means by "market exchange rates," given that the supply of any modern currency is set by a monopoly known as the central bank. When Mr. Geithner says China is "manipulating" its currency, what investors around the world hear is that he really wants Beijing to restrain the number of yuan in circulation and increase its value vis-a-vis the dollar. That's a call for a dollar devaluation to help U.S. exporters.

    This would seem to be an especially crazy time to undermine the dollar, given that the Treasury will have to issue some $2 trillion to $3 trillion in new dollar debt in the next couple of years. A stronger yuan would also contribute to Chinese deflation and slower growth, which would only mean a deeper world recession. Even the Bush Treasury never formally declared China to be a currency "manipulator" in its periodic reports to Congress. If the Obama Treasury is now going to take that step, hold on to those gold bars. We're in for an even scarier ride than the Fun Slide of the last few months.

  7. Mav88


    When Bush confronted other nations on some issue, he was lambasted for not not playing nice with all the others in the world sandbox and being an arrogant unilateralist. When Obama does it, he is worshiped by the media and people like BuyLo.

    It's this type of brian dead religious reverence for him that just reiterates the point there isn't anything new or profound about this administration other than he is half black. Demo politics at work.

    I personally would not fuck with the Chinese until I had a plan to deal with the fact that we need them to buy and hold bonds they have.

    Religion is a funny thing, it turns off people's critical thinking abilities. Bush did a lot with China on trade, here's something from 2005:

  8. Mav88


    We're not sure what Mr. Geithner means by "market exchange rates," given that the supply of any modern currency is set by a monopoly known as the central bank. When Mr. Geithner says China is "manipulating" its currency, what investors around the world hear is that he really wants Beijing to restrain the number of yuan in circulation and increase its value vis-a-vis the dollar. That's a call for a dollar devaluation to help U.S. exporters.

    yes, it seems odd to claim that we have a free market based rate when there are central bank interventions and government set targets all the time.
  9. We are all traders here, right?

    Question for BiLo, whom I do respect.

    What will Obama do if he pisses off China and they dump our bonds?

    What will Obama do if Kim Jong Il loses what mind he has left and we find that he has the backing of the Chinese?
    #10     Jan 24, 2009