NYSE vs. Nasdq

Discussion in 'Politics' started by vox_lucidus, May 21, 2004.

  1. actually the onlypeople i berated were the ones who took unsolicited blows at me, because of their own lack of wherewithall, which gave rise to their misunderstanding of the comments, and because of their own INSECURE nature interpreted them as having an offensive nature.......which in all reality they did not......your behavior is very typical of a newer trader which has just lost a bunch of money, a coping mechanism to vent all of your shame and anger.....making up out of context nuances of things that have been said so that you have something to be critical of etc......but whatever....you situation is I DONT CARE.....AGAIN, PLEASE GO AWAY..... NO ONE CARES.......
    #51     May 26, 2004
  2. Who is the head case dude. Anyone reading can see a pattern to your posts, and that pattern doesn't exactly put you in the best light. Now go back to the room you rent from people that laugh at you each time you enter the apartment, pull out those panties you hide in your closet, and start squeezing your nipples, you crackpot. Maybe that, at least, will relieve some of that pent up anger and stress! :cool:
    #52     May 26, 2004

  3. :D :D :D
    #53     May 26, 2004
    i never claimedto be a friend of warren buffetor soros, but you dont have to be acquainted with them to know about some of their personal behaviors, ....also your incompetence in terms of interpreting ppls reponses in not my problem and it is not my obligation to clarify anything......i never said i can dominate ANY trading system...another ad-lib to provide some much needed support yo your position, im not angry at all, i could really care less, perhaps you are seeing anger, because of your own psych orientation....i dont know....AND I DONT CARE.....pls, say something relevant to the post or go away! and for gods sake, its bad enough that you would try to steal one of my jokes and make it yours, but then you run it into the ground!! what peircing wit!!! you sound like a stuck record, its dead!!!! its not funny now and it wasnt funny the first time you tried to use it!!! soory again if your offended by me typing but i type very fast because im doing many diff things, and only ocassionally come back here in hopes of finding usefull info instead of brainless banter by witless morons, so grammar isnt a concern of mine as i dont consider this formal communication, but rather casual communication, and if you dont like it , DONT READ IT!!! it certainly wouldnt hurt my feelings, good day....
    #54     May 26, 2004
  5. Turok


    NICE! Your thread made CHIT CHAT.

    #55     May 26, 2004
  6. Turok


    I just LOVE this one...

    >"no actually these are all claims that
    >youve fabricated..."

    >....perhaps you could site which remark you
    >derived that from."

    ROFLAO!!!!!!! In the post from which the above quotes were taken you QUOTED the site(sic). You are a hoot.

    Here is it again for the slooooow ones onboard (oh, that would obviously be you in case you missed that as well).

    >your system = my prison bitch

    You claim that I fabricated and ask me to show proof when it was in that very post. LOLOLOL

    #56     May 26, 2004
  7. okay, amature night at the appolo again
    "bartender, make it a double!!"
    okay look 'DUDE', no one thinks your funny, no one cares what you think, i know your life sucks and you have nothing better to do, but could you pls at least go find somone elses post to pollute?? have some composure....your humor is non existent, your words are redundant, and no one needs/wants your presence in this post, i dont care what you think about me, and no one else does...go tell the guys at the impotence support group how cool your computer is or something, i dont care, just go away...........
    #57     May 26, 2004
  8. good god,
    okay pal.....that was in regard to your systems absolute return,versus my tradings absolute return, there was no mkt specific inuendo stated or implied, on performance regardless of which market.....in other words, regardless of the fact that your computer trades equities, and i trade fx mkts, that your computer is my trading's prison bitch....its sort of a figure of speech, i know that such concepts are difficult for you and your computer....but concentrate really hard....and you can probably understand
    #58     May 26, 2004
  9. Now suddenly your cousin is one of the leading systems guys in the world. Are Buffet and Soros your long lost uncles too?

    If you wanted to agree to disagree about something, all you had to do was be civil in the first place, not lie and show you unstable and what a pseudo-intellectual you are.
    #59     May 26, 2004
  10. If you don't care about Turok's situation, why are you making assumptions still (ones that are most likely false).
    #60     May 26, 2004