NYSE vs. Nasdq

Discussion in 'Politics' started by vox_lucidus, May 21, 2004.

  1. erm no,
    i didnt make any bogus claim, i do have 2 cars, one of which ill admit was bought with left over TF money after college, the other(more expensive)one i purchased myself, i have been employed, and beed paid a salary(plus bonus etc.), to trade, by 2 firms, one sell side and one buyside, both positions were in FX, as well as position trading futures on private account during college.......no claimis bogus, no semantics AT ALL, i was only correcting your(100th) misunderstanding of what i had said.....
    #301     May 31, 2004
  2. Mr. I Missed.....your mailbox is full.....I'll resend my reply...after you clean it out...

    #302     May 31, 2004
  3. Dontcha get it yet Boat?

    Vox is using "special" english.

    In special english, there are no contradictions.

    In special english, when you identify a blatant contradiction
    you MUST assume its NOT a contradiction, because the choice
    of words have SPECIAL meaning in all those cases :D

    Those are the SPECIAL rules for SPECIAL english, for use
    by SPECIAL people :D :p



    #303     May 31, 2004