NYSE says Electronic Trading Black Box for plunge

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Trendytrader, May 6, 2010.

  1. zdreg


    really? something in the air in the US allows them to thrive?

    hedge fund managers and market makers have a different sense of morality in Europe?
    #41     May 7, 2010
  2. The American style black boxes/HFT's/leeches are not as prevalent there. At least not yet.
    #42     May 7, 2010
  3. Stok


    This whole problem was caused by the NYSE by stopping trading. The humans stopped trading, and others markets where open. PERIOD. No blame on black boxes/HTF/fat finger crap.

    If the NYSE could handle orders without a "time out" to go play in the sand box, this never would of happened!

    But watch the blame game still on fat finger, HTF. This is purely based on NYSE floor for stopping trading. Remember, the NYSE HAS CIRCUIT BREAKERS ANYWAYS.
    #43     May 7, 2010
  4. There were no circuit breakers for that level of drop at that time of day.

    #44     May 7, 2010
  5. Yep. The Europeans have it all figured out. Why, just look at how sound that European Union and it's currency is!

    Oh...hang on...
    #45     May 7, 2010
  6. kowboy


    Just got an email from one broker.

    The Dow Jones industrial average had one of the most turbulent trading days in its history yesterday.The situation remained unclear long after the closing bell as the Nasdaq Stock Market and others said they would cancel a large number of erroneous trades. Acting in cooperation, pursuant to rule 11890(b), Exchanges made a determination to cancel all trades executed between 14:40:00 and 15:00:00 (EST) greater than or less than 60% away from the consolidated last print in that security at 14:40:00 or immediately prior. The Exchange stipulated that this decision cannot be appealed. The stocks affected and the break points are posted on the following
    website: http://media.globenewswire.com/cache/6948/file/8211.htm

    So these pricks want to trade against us with black boxes, than have their butts saved by the exchanges.

    The link wouldn't open for me.
    #46     May 7, 2010
  7. Yes. That's what the pricks want. Fucking pricks.
    #47     May 7, 2010
  8. Institutions with these black boxes have too much clout on the exchanges.
    #48     May 7, 2010
  9. They pay many many millions in commissions to the exchanges. As long as they do, they will have more clout than you and me.
    #49     May 7, 2010
  10. Frankly they do enough volume that they should have clout. anyone who thinks different is a communist.(serious) There is no expectation that the little guy can do the same things the big guys do. People need to stop being so delusional.
    #50     May 7, 2010