NYSE Floor Brokers using ITS to trade size

Discussion in 'Order Execution' started by scalp100, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. Thanks for the replies.... JMar I've talked to the folks at OES and I'm somewhat familiar with the direct lines to the regionals. I have no experience actually trading a system equiped with direct lines but from what i read the auto ex size with direct lines is fairly small. eg. 599 shares to chx and the other regionals are similiar. In your experience is this true or can you get auto ex with bigger sizes?

    #11     Mar 6, 2004
    #12     Mar 7, 2004
  3. Each floor and specialist will have different parameters set up. The only way to figure it out is to send orders in various sizes to see if it gets auto-x. But in general it's about 500-1000, but I've seen some firms do 2000 at the NBBO regardless of NY's quote.


    #13     Mar 7, 2004