NYMEX Gold and Oil quotes thru IB

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by fan27, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. fan27


    I entered in the Gold and Oil symbols (CL,GC) in TWS and I am not getting any quotes. There was no message box stating that the quotes were not allowed or unavailable. Am I missing something.

  2. You cannot trade open outcry markets with IB. Maybe you want to
    trade "Mini-Crude" QM (NYMEX) and "Mini-Gold" YG (CBOT) instead ?
  3. fan27


    My bad. I didn't notice that symbols CL and GC were under the heading Indices, not Futures.

  4. fan27


    I just looked on the IB sight again and under products to trade for NYMEX I see CL and GC (Oil and Gold). Are they traded in the pit and electronically?:confused:
  5. Transact Futures

    Transact Futures Transact Futures

    These products are floor traded during the day. If you want quotes you need to get them from a data provider.