Nymex eMiNYs

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by LRD, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. Sorry, I don't know how to respond to the questions posed.
    #41     Aug 31, 2005
  2. I do not want to get you in trouble ... for what you mentioned , but it can't be so easy to do this.

    I believe one needs to open an account with a NYMEX clearing member or even be guaranteed by such a clearing member to trade access.

    and call in any CL arb orders against QM screen
    orders executed if one is permissioned by his
    clearing firm to trade access products and if one knows where the CL market is overnight vs QM

    -You can trade cl, ng, hu, ho on NYMEX ACCESS between hours of 3:15 PM and 9:30 AM electronically. there is a little known FIX interface to the Access system that could be utilized to trade the front 6 months via a third party software trading workstation (if the ISV is certified). During these hours, you could be electronically arbitraging the qm, qg against the Bigs-
    #42     Aug 31, 2005
  3. Yes, you need an account at a clearing member, a clearing member guarantee and must obtain an electronic trading right. But, contrary to your "in trouble" comment, there is nothing wrong with what I suggest. You simply set up an electronic FIX connectivity to Access and the same to Globex and trade the miny enery contracts against the big energy contracts. It's all on the up and up.
    #43     Aug 31, 2005
  4. milstar



    Thank for your answer. Author used this time trading simulator from RefrcoPCG .For some 15 business days result is approx
    600 time /30 mln$ from start 50000$/ .Most of them from event trading of clv options and oil derivative as ngv,huv,hug.

    But author suspect ,that real time paper simulator result
    is not significant.

    1. Fifo is not incoporated in simulator in E-mini /es,ert,eym,en,emd/

    What about real oil product trading . Would order ,which
    placed on CLV executed 60 minuts lates ?/ case of FIFO
    rule for ES/ .Tactic win spread can not work for NYMEX product ?

    2. Another author's mentioned ,that NYMEX Acess is not
    so good for oil & derivative as Globex for E-mini .

    Can you compare Access against Globex ?

    3. Refco or futuresource listed volume for Globex ,but not for
    Access .

    In first 30 minuts after 3.30 p.m. Chicago time /4.30 NY time/ ESU have volume more as 2000 contracts
    and in time from 3.30 p.m until 3.30 a.m. some 20000-
    30000 contracts are not exceptions .

    How great is volume for Access for cl,ng,hu in this time ?
    How great is Cl options volume in time between 3.30 p.m.-
    3.30 a.m.
    Or professional must make switching from Nymex to Tocom
    and to ICE ?

    Author would very pleased for answer.
    #44     Sep 1, 2005