NY Officials Refuse to Allow Christians to Rebuild Church

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bugscoe, Aug 18, 2010.

  1. Unreal. New York Officials Refuse to Allow Christians to Rebuild Church Destroyed on 9-11
    Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 10:53 AM



    OK… Now this ought to make your blood boil.

    New York officials have killed plans to rebuild a Greek Orthodox Church near Ground Zero.

    FOX reported:

    And, yet these same officials are bending over backwards for the Ground Zero Victory Mosque planners.

  2. I think the born again christians should announce they will build a giant fucking church right next to every planned parenthood in the country.

    I have a feeling the lying left will not be so tolerant.
  3. Maybe it's because Obama is actually a Muslim... and wants to convert all of America over to Islam.
  4. Obama:
  5. Obama won't weigh in on this issue. He has already sided with the Islamic terrorists on the ground zero mosque issue. That is enough religion for him, unless of course, reverend Wright makes a comeback.
  6. Were did all the liberals go regarding this church and its constitutional rights, seeing that this is what this debate is all about according to them?
  7. Maybe they thought a Christian church so close to that mosque would be insensitive.
  8. Were did all the liberals go regarding this church and its constitutional rights, seeing that this is what this debate is all about according to them?
  9. Crickets.

    Where are all the constitutional rights defenders from the left?
  10. Ricter


    You are talking as if you know the reason the church was turned down, but it's not in the clip.

    But I would bet it has something to do with the money this church can raise for land downtown, vs. the money the community center/mosque can raise.
    #10     Aug 25, 2010