nvda earnings

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by Ivano, May 22, 2023.

  1. Ivano


    what are your expectations, I guess QQQ may be quite influenced, I see a counterintuitive objective bearish sentiment studying options, whereas macro suggests great GPU income to run ML chatbot, could be that looking forward market think over regimentation of Artificial intelligence, or overvalued ability of taking over jobs? Cramer help me!
  2. beside trading futes...earning play are also one of my specialties. based on my trading journal...my earning play for them are 50/50. i had made alot of money and lost alot of money playing nvda in the past. so if i were to play them this week for earning play....just based on the chart alone...i would be on going short on it. but that's just me.
  3. traider


    what's the reason for shorting
  4. look at the chart to the left. it is getting close to resistance. remember as a trader...buy on support and sell on resistance.
  5. maxinger


    nvda has already gone up from 150 in Jan 2023 to 311.

    ie 2X appreciation in just 5 months.

    The upside potential is limited.
    Ivano likes this.
  6. well well....i gotta admit when i'm wrong i'm wrong. you know the old saying...stonk market is irrational longer than u can stay solvent. congrats to all the nvda long.
  7. Ivano


    guys we should never mess with NVDA the beast:D, I maintained only 1 share in the portfolio :banghead:
    a white thursday is coming
  8. traider


    what structure did you use to short? Did you at least have OTM calls or hedge during the earnings release
  9. i don’t play options. So you are asking the wrong guy. I don’t understand anything about options like strangle, straddle, vertical spread etc. I only understand the basic like either buying a puts or calls. That’s about it.

    maybe you can ask Todd about it? He seems like an expert on option. But I warn u, he uses words no one can understand.
    Last edited: May 25, 2023
  10. Didn’t play nvda for earning play yesterday. But I played mrvl on earning play today 5/25/23 today and boom…I just got laid! I mean paid!
    #10     May 25, 2023