Numerical Analysis

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by TSGannGalt, May 7, 2009.

  1. OK...

    For newbies like me, this is what I mean:

    So let's talk about anything within it...

    Inter(Extra)polation / Regression Analysis.
    Nonlinear Programming.
    Stochastic Programming.


    Of course, considering this being a ATS forum, maybe it can extend to the utilizing them using AIs.

    Oh... and I use both QuantLib and IMSL lib in my tester...

  2. How about starting with this:

    Someone teach me what an ARCH is...

  3. Autoregressive conditional heteroscedacity. It's sort of like AR models, but for variance.

    ARMA models => residuals/error terms are weak stationary -- i.e., same mean and variance. ARCH model improves on this by allowing the variance to be conditioned on other variables.

    ARCH/GARCH is useful for modeling the evolution of volatility (sigma). There's other applications, like widening stops, conditioning mean-scaling laws based on the volatility, etc.

    Useful for options pricing too, since in Black-Scholes-Merton you are assuming a fixed volatility when you price the option at time t. So if you are going to make a bet on a call moving in a particular direction at a future time-step, you can forecast the volatility with a n-step ahead prediction operator based on an ARCH/GARCH model.

    It seems as if we both have similar interests. We should discuss strategies and ideas. I could use some assistance going independent as it is. :) Seems like you are already there.