/NQ about to take off..now

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by Gasparov, May 10, 2017.

  1. Gasparov


    I think /NQ takes off here for 30+ points straight through noon or 1 PM (PST).

    Good luck any other longs.

    Let's hope I'm right!
  2. more than likely. If not today then tomorrow. It's in serious UP mode!
  3. Fading that.
  4. Gasparov


    Yep..double topped. Looks like it might not be happening today, already 11:15 too.
  5. tommcginnis


    The SPX' TRIN has been ferociously low all day (0.55-0.65), and the ES volume looks more like a pre-FED day. That *could* be a coiled spring keying to pop UP; but to be fair, it could be that it's "smart money" refusing to buy. I'm positioned 1.5% north, and do *not* want to plant anything south....... so my Fear sez it's a pop going north.

    But certainly, the ties between SPX and NDX will take it north, too.

    2pm!! What're they waitin' for?!?!?
    Gasparov likes this.
  6. Gasparov


    Right?? I'm actually shocked /NQ has not hit 5680 still..no major events today or anything and it looks like there's literally no volume the last hour or so.
  7. speedo


    Considering the lethargic markets, it's done well swimming in mud.
  8. pushing up now. Go on, girl!
  9. when you're positioned in something and have to rely on "hope" you already lost
  10. %% barchart.com has an overall 96% buy on it
    #10     May 10, 2017