Now the MILF nutcake wants to have war with Russia>???!!!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by iceman1, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. PLEASE... seriously........ anyone who votes for this GOP tandem of DUMB and DUMBER will have no one to blame but themselves when they get this country deeper into doo-doo than horse's ass BUSH-league did the last 8 years! Give Obama a chance... this guy has more upside for this country than McBush. And I think he will be more bi-partisan and willing to work with republicans than SARAH who is a radical right-wing nutcake!
  2. cuz69


    Ice your thread is a distortion of the truth, that's not what she said, and you know it.
  3. ok you want to have an honest debate?

    Tell me what "she said"!

    I thought the context was that we might have to war with Russia. That is totally and completely nonsense for any politician from any party to say much less some PTA hockey mom erstwhile governess!
  4. When Gibson said if under the NATO treaty, the United States would have to go to war if Russia again invaded Georgia, Palin responded: "Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help."

    Your problem with this statement is then what?
  5. cuz69


    What he said!
    Her meaning and Pabst meaning is it could be anyone or any country. But you guys want to hang on every word. And put her on the spot.
  6. If the agreement when you are a NATO ally is if another country is attacked you are going to be called upon to help...

    Then why did she say "Perhaps so."

    No perhaps about it.

    I am not really blaming Palin, after all that brainwashing she has undergone in hiding the past week or so has no doubt left her psyche terribly confused.

    I suggest de-programming...

  7. cuz69


    ZZZ... He could have said if Russia attacked Italy, Germany Sweden, Holland, Greece... the point is it doesn't matter. This is only an issue now because of what is going on in Russia and Georgia.Your missing the whole point!

    I don't know... maybe you are the kind of guy that would have stood around and watched his friend get his ass kicked by 5 guys(regardless of right and wrong)because it wasn't your deal. It's the same damn thing.

    Bully tactics...get it now?
    Strength in numbers, and if I let you bully him than maybe one day your going to do it to me. And noone does that to me.
    Jesus... didn't your father teach you this as a kid... Christ... it's a matter of common sense, not even politics.
  8. Your post is ridiculously fallacious.

    Georgia is not presently a member of NATO.

    “Perhaps” in the future they will be. Perhaps they won't.

    Get it?
  9. God save us and the whole world if mccain/palin win
  10. Try reading this again:

    When Gibson said if under the NATO treaty, the United States would have to go to war if Russia again invaded Georgia, Palin responded: "Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help."

    Even if the question was a hypothetical question, there is no perhaps about it when it comes to the answer. It is based on a clear and definitive explanation of the agreement of NATO members and ally members as to their responsibility to other NATO countries.

    Palin did not question Gibson on the responsibility of NATO members to each other, she even stated what the NATO treaty means, i.e. if another country is attacked, you are going to be expected to be called upon and help.

    No perhaps about it...

    The question was not "will Georgia become a NATO member" which "perhaps so" as a reply would make sense.

    However, the hypothetical question was not an open ended question, it was not a "perhaps so" question.

    It was a yes or no answer question, very definitive.

    Try again Adolph...

    #10     Sep 11, 2008