'Now is not the time for cold feet,' Palin says of Afghanistan

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mercor, Oct 7, 2009.

    #41     Oct 8, 2009
  2. I don't know what Palin really is... but I feel confident in the notion that it would be better for the USA to have someone in the White House who genuinely wants and tries to do what's best for the cournty... rather than SELF-SERVING ASSHOLES PUSHING THEIR PERSONAL AGENDA AT THE EXPENSE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE... like GWB, Obama, Pelosi, Barney Fwank, Dodd, Reid, et al.
    #42     Oct 8, 2009
  3. I don't know what Palin really is... but I feel confident in the notion that it would be better for the USA to have someone in the White House who genuinely wants and tries to do what's best for the cournty... rather than SELF-SERVING ASSHOLES PUSHING THEIR PERSONAL AGENDA AT THE EXPENSE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE... like GWB, Obama, Pelosi, Waters, Barney Fwank, Dodd, Reid, et al.
    #43     Oct 8, 2009

  4. I do not think she is the dumb girl. I think she does not understand all she write about on her facebook. She (repeat) her partys opinion, but not really her true understanding. So she is smart because she know how to play that game to win.
    You think she write that from her own thought and conclusion?
    Like cap and trade, she was for that with McCain, then against with Obama.
    Like how she laugh at money for fruit fly research, but this research can maybe help her son.
    Like how she tell the people of Alaska she quit her job for them, good of the people, the money it will cost her state if she stay in her job.
    AAA, why the "conservative" opinion of the man in the article say Sarah Palin is not qualified to talk about the USD?
    #44     Oct 8, 2009
  5. Specterx


    I consider myself a moderate/libertarian or old school conservative... like a previous poster said, pretty much along the lines of Pat Buchanan. But I hardly identify with anything coming out of the Right these days and certainly not the "mainstream" GOP. They're all corrupt, hypocritical and self-serving, and Palin is no exception.

    Palin is a fool and her presidency would be a complete disaster. The last time we elected the aw-shucks golly-gee candidate, we got George W. Bush - to my mind the worst, most destructive president in American history.

    Afghanistan is a case in point; the situation was ignored for eight years and now it's a total catch-22. Either we can stay, waste a lot of money and lives and achieve nothing, or we can withdraw and have to listen to this kind of dumbass monday-morning quarterbacking.

    If you want to stay in Afghanistan, what's your plan? What's your strategy for victory? What does victory even mean here?

    Just as with the recession, we need to make some hard choices and accept that we can't win 'em all. Waffling and delay will just make the eventual price tag much higher.
    #45     Oct 8, 2009
  6. "Now is not the time for cold feet"

    said the lady who bugged out of her job
    #46     Oct 8, 2009
  7. You can take it however you wish. But if he has the balls to go in and unfuck Bush's abortion there and get those kid outta there. Then I'm all for it.

    Your welcome.

    #47     Oct 8, 2009
  8. Geography:


    Caspian Sea

    Actually... I would even venture to say that Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan are all related. But let the little people argue that Kosovo was a democrat thing and Iraq a Republican thing. They don't realize that it's a US thing. Wthout control of that area of the world - we would be doomed. "They hate us cause we're free" is code for: our civilization will collapse without cheap oil.
    #48     Oct 8, 2009
  9. War on Terror is a scam. In reality it is a giant pretext for imperial adventures abroad. It is about oil/natural resources and control of strategic regions of the world. Afghanistan is about central asia (Grand Game v 2.0). US Empire like all previous empires will die. It does not mean Washington will get burned down (London is still standing Rome is too although populated by italians not romans) but it does mean US influence abroad will be severely diminished.
    #49     Oct 8, 2009