Nov. 2nd, 2010. It's Destroy Democrat Day!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rc8222, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. Even though we are on different sides of the fence,we both can agree on this.
    #11     Nov 2, 2010
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    #12     Nov 2, 2010
  3. Could be that "Pea-brain Range Rover" is correct.

    The 2012 election will be pivotal in American history. For America to survive as the land of liberty, the Tea Party principles MUST prevail.

    It is highly likely the next 2 years will be nothing but stagnation on important issues. Obama, et al, will campaign on that and cry for the return of Democrats to power. IF THAT OCCURS, AMERICA IS DOOMED.

    Anti-Left efforts must be maintained through the 2012 election at a minimum. If the Repubs don't get BOTH... a Republican President AND majorities in BOTH HOUSES... AND THE SENATE, OF 60 VOTES OR MORE... AMERICA WILL FALL TO SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM AT THE DIRECTION OF ODUMBA.

    While the next 2 years will be political stagnation, the Republicans MUST inform and educate the voting public to the fact, "we tried to initiate legislation, but were stonewalled at every turn... including by Odumba". (I know, a similar argument the Dems have been making the last 2 years... about "The Repubs being the party of NO"... to STOP Odumba's destructive agenda. To whatever degree the Repubs have been able to thwart Odumba's agenda is in itself a victory... however temporary. Let's not forget... Odumba's definition of "bipartisanship" is to ask the Repubs to jump onboard HIS Progressive/Democrat agenda... and if the Repubs don't, Odumba and the Dem's "gonna shove it up your ass, regardless". And if the Repubs didn't go along, they were being branded as obstructionists.)

    IT'S "ALL OR NOTHING FOR AMERICA" in the 2012 election.
    #13     Nov 2, 2010