Norwegians: 'Ban Israeli products'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DT-waw, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. 377OHMS


    It is very similar to the people who rushed to Baghdad to become "human shields" for some of Saddam's military installations. Alot of those people were killed.

    Now some might admire that kind of "valor". They may associate it with the guy blocking the tank near Tianamen. One blip of the throttle and that guy would have been track lubricant and completely legal under their martial law rules-of-engagement. It was foolish.

    The people in the aid boats are fools and useful idiots as well.
    #11     Jun 7, 2010
  2. Excellent vid.

    #12     Jun 8, 2010
  3. +1
    #13     Jun 8, 2010
  4. Agreed.

    Seeing this reminds me of the Penn & Teller episode against PETA, where the VP was a diabetic and used insulin, which was made through animal research. Of course, PETA is against animal research, but it was ok for HER to use it, cuz she's fighting against animal research.

    Pure stupidity and hypocrisy.
    #14     Jun 8, 2010
  5. #15     Jun 8, 2010
  6. Of course they were carrying knives, won't you try to defend your ship from a pirate attack?

    What is so sad, what is so sick and disgusting is that:

    - at the time when the whole world condemned the Pirate Zionist attack;
    - at the time when Israeli government officials like Moshe Yalon (Natanyaho's First deputy) is coming out and admitting that there were big mistakes that took place in planning and executing the criminal attack on the civilian ship;
    - at the time when the Turkish autopsy test showed that four of the victims were shot in the back (Running away) and a fifth one shot 5 times from a distance of 34 centimetres; and
    - at the time the Zionist entity is objecting to the whole world's demand of an international inquiry, we get Neo Cons such as you, who share the same criminal traits as the Zionists, giving justifications and pushing Zionist lies on their behalf.

    But that is ok Captain, I am content with the fact that your like allies themselves with their likes.
    #16     Jun 9, 2010
  7. REAL "peace activists" don't carry weapons, ever. They are perma pacifists. I don't agree with their naive world views, but I respect their right to have an opinion. People who claim to be peace activists and work in the shadows while carrying weapons are terrorists. They should be killed at every opportunity. Shot in the front, shot in the back, irrelevant. Just kill them!
    Gaza should be carpet bombed 24/7 for a week, followed by napalm 24/7 for another week. Rinse, wash, repeat every time a terrorist attacks Israel in any way, shape, or form.
    Personally I don't think the U.S. should support one side, or the other. We should let them have at it and watch them kill each other to their hearts content. We all know there will be no peace in the middle east until that happens. Why delay the inevitable?
    #17     Jun 9, 2010
  8. you are almost as good at changing the facts Ergodan.
    there was no attack as everyone knows. the ships were the attackers and they said clearly their intention was to "break the blockade".
    Yaalon said there were mistakes in the context that the soldiers were sent into a war zone with pea shooters. NOT that the ships should have been left alone.
    Honest Turkish atopsy? Please. That's like letting a thief guard a bank vault.
    sammee is nothing but a radical islamic terrorist who shares the same traits as other radical islamic terrorists all over the world who try to justify violence and antisemitism against everyone that doesn't embrace their crazy version of radical islam.
    your a rabid dog. all people who think like you are rabid dogs.
    anytime you are in my area ZION (Israel) let me know.
    I'll be happy to meet with you and discuss this in person...

    #18     Jun 9, 2010

    #19     Jun 9, 2010
  10. Look, the fucking muzzies are obviously looking for a fight (big suprise there right?? LOL!) And not just fringe muslim exremist groups, but actual muslim nations... They are all looking to pick a fight with Israel, on top of this endless propaganda war... They want a fight, I say give em one. Israel kicked the arab world's ass single handedly before, and they can do it again... This time Israel shouldn't be so merciful after they win by letting the cockroaches come back after they attack then flee. Afterward, they need to FINISH building the wall... and adorn it with the fancy technology they are so famous for which will let them know when the murderous cockroaches are approaching. Then maybe they can come to the USA and teach America a thing or 2 about border security
    #20     Jun 9, 2010