North Korea conducts powerful nuclear test

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by nitro, May 25, 2009.

  1. Nah, just round up all of our illegal aliens and drop THEM on N Korea.
    Talk about saving money!
    #11     May 25, 2009
  2. eagle


    Threatening to remove the iPod from NK leader then problem solved.

    The guy is a complete crazy idiot. Frustrated by isolation and by doing this kind of silly act will only make him isolated further from the world.
    #12     May 25, 2009
  3. Imba


    I think that u r deff need to go and finish your school lessons really.

    Right after you hit Korea with few rockets, in about 10-15 hours there will be a huge clouds fueled a full pocket of different atomic sh!t. And all that shit fall rightyyy on your empty head mate.

    Is that a great news for you, that im global view the wind goes clockwise arounf the planet (and so does GulfStream).

    so the circle (in a simple way looks like that)

    USA ==> EU ==> Russia\Asia ==> USA ==> EU.....

    Cmon dude, wake up) noone os gonna shoot at noone.

    And if someone start that mess, there wont be any winners\loosers at that kind of war.

    For example, bith USA and Russia have such amount of nucler weapon, so noither of us dont really need to "shoot" it anywhere. Both USA\Russia may just blown its at their own territory. It doesnt matter really, because whoops.. once again Wind with spread the atoms across the world. And there will be "enough" for everyone to die.
    #13     May 25, 2009
  4. Possibly so, but at what point does saber rattling become a full out security threat? If you believe this is just saber rattling, what event will make you think the threat is real? Do we (internation community) wait until they actually launch a missle at another country before we decide they are no longer simply saber rattling? Do we need confirmation that North Korea has the technology to mount a nuclear warhead on a ballistic missle before something is done about their actions?
    #14     May 25, 2009
  5. I think it was done today as it is memorial day and it is a way to show support for their dead, in a very off color way.

    The real problem is soon it will be to late. If the world wanted to stop NK they could have years ago while North Korea was just an army foot threat.

    The world is getting crazy and based upon history we need a war or too to get the public to forget about the Wall St. thieves and history shows war creates jobs, stability and yes more money for the Wall Street theives and Banks.

    and the circle goes round and round

    North Korea has shot a lot of innocent South Korean's who have crossed over the border in the country side by accident and nothing is done nor will it be done until it effects us.
    Half the world is so unsafe for travelling.

    North America sounds find for me with all the culture that lives here now no reason to travel outside the safe borders.

    Hell with all the media bull we get fed who really knows what is accurate or not. The media has always had a hidden agenda after all it is owned by Wall Street.

    Ostrich time
    #15     May 25, 2009
  6. zdreg


    maybe it is testing the paper tiger US before some kind of alliance with china.
    of course obama the extreme lefty has the right cover to make a preemptive strike
    #16     May 26, 2009
  7. Isn't all of this REALLY about Kim Jung-Il trying to compensate for having a tiny dick?

    Sheesh! Couldn't he just drive around in a Corvette?
    #17     May 26, 2009
  8. China is the ONLY nation that can tell him"QUIT THAT SHIT!". Lil Kim would stop it, pronto. But, China won't cuz they want tribute money.
    He's a real lowlife. He's got what he calls "Joy Brigades" made up of 13 and 14 yr old girls that give him "massages".
    #18     May 26, 2009
  9. Yes, I would. Your PM gave me the perfect example of it - all in caps and screaming at me.

    Which username are you now?
    #19     May 27, 2009
  10. Shagi


    Its a bit two faced here - The West/Russia/China have gazillions of nukes but wont allow other states to develop. They must first all disarm before they start preaching to anyone what type of weapons you can have.

    Hipocrisy - The US even bombed out Japan with them nukes, so has no moral authority to tell anyone what to do. Yes the US has the big stick but that approach does not always work, thats why Kim is saying F##k You.
    #20     May 27, 2009