Nord Pool

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by neilcharlton, Feb 10, 2006.

  1. does anyone here trade Nord Pool , can private investors trade it ? whats the requirements
  2. VictorS


    Just bumping this thread to the front again.
  3. I trade power and gas in the US and I keep hearing from guys in the industry that have done really well in Nord Pool, but I haven't had an opportunity to research it. It's supposed to be much more liquid than US power markets.
  4. My interest was piqued so I did some quick research.
    Go to -> How to become a member -> How to become a member of trading on The Financial Market (Assuming you aren't acquiring generation assets... correct me if I'm wrong) -> Option 1: Exchange and Clearing Member -> Checkpoints -> and then fish around for what you are looking for. Looks like a one time fee to open an account of about 7500 USD and then annual fees of 15000 USD. Commissions for using their electronic platform don't look too obscene.
  5. yeah i 've read all that , but i dont have a couple of million in my account so its unlikely i'll be approved for membership . There seems to be non member options . Which are a lot cheaper.
    I've emailed two people from Nord Pool for more infomation but none of them have responsed yet ! which is nice of them !