Nooby McNoob becomes a quant

Discussion in 'Journals' started by nooby_mcnoob, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. Journal entry

    Well goddamn these stops and starts!

    Since my last update I have completed that large contract, so my bank account is nice and fat right now until Uncle Sam comes calling for his cut. I thought I would restart the trading work this week as I now have many months/years runway but I had another tempting, but not as large, contract plop on my desk.

    I stopped the auto trading because I couldn't dedicate enough time to keeping it running.

    During this sometimes stressful contract, my health suffered significantly because I had to deal with managing people, which I can do, but not well. Firing people is surprisingly fun, but man that karma is going to come back one day (I always left them with a severance - one person refused and threatened to sue - LOL). What I mean by health suffering is I used to run for about 45 minutes a day and do 1 hour of calesthenics. Now, I get winded running up and down the stairs. It's pretty depressing especially since this is a 4 storey townhome.

    This is solely due to having many 16-18 hour days, 7 days a week for the last few months. No energy/schedule left to work out.

    It would probably take me about 3-6 months to bring my regular habits back.

    So that's what I'm going to focus on. Without my body feeling good, my mind is just in a fog.

    Until then...
    #231     Oct 2, 2018
  2. That's brutal man. Better off doing 8 hours of manual labor every day :)

    Continue life as a minimalist, and realize your health is your wealth. Money flows from one pocket to the other, and always will even after we take a dirt nap. I wish you, and your family the best.
    #232     Oct 2, 2018
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.
  3. This will be the final update on this journal: I have decided that being quanty is not for me. I like the math aspect of it, but not so much the technicalities that goes along with it (no offense to any actual quants.)

    What I do enjoy is being systematic. I love creating systems that work on their own and can be implemented by children. This may or may not be a way for me to hire my own children after they graduate. The 10 year old and I trade his account together, as well as the older one. So while I do enjoy the math, I will limit that to analyzing my systems and backtests as opposed to finding any quant-related edges.

    Outside my income portfolio, I'm still trading manually, but just to learn options. Theta is a bitch.

    I think my first system will go back to my first love: Forex.

    Thank you for your support everyone, see you on another thread!!
    #233     Jan 26, 2019
  4. Overnight


    Thank you for the two years of memories in the thread. I met quite a few online trading friends through your journal, in a round-about way. I look forward to your next journal log. I am sure it will be just as edumacational. (Unless it is FX, I don't trade that, hehe. ) :)

    #234     Jan 26, 2019
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.
  5. Honest journal, excellent read!
    #235     Jan 26, 2019
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.
  6. I only hurt myself if I'm not honest :) I definitely learned a lot from reading a ton of books. It's not like the entire exercise was a waste! Or so I will tell myself...
    #236     Jan 26, 2019
    srinir and sle like this.
  7. "See one, do one, teach one." That gets you moving forwards on your journey. It was not a waste.
    #237     Jan 27, 2019
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.