Noob question regarding reverse straddle?

Discussion in 'Options' started by larryg003, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. larryg003


    Hi guys,

    I'm new to options and I am currently going through McMillan's book "Options as a Strategic Investment." In it, he says that the Reverse Straddle is an equivalent strategy to using Puts (haven't gotten there yet).

    He says that the maximum risk for a reverse hedge (reverse straddle strategy) is

    = (striking price - stock price) x round lots shorted + number of calls bought x call price.

    The upside breakeven = strike price + maximum risk/(number of calls bought - number of round lots short)

    The downside break-even = strike price - (maximum risk/(number of round lots short))

    a.) First, the round lots shorted is basically the number of shares shorted in 100-share increments, right?

    b.) How does McMillan come up with these equations? I tried deriving them myself by thinking about them, but got stuck.

    c.) Suppose I wanted to make the strategy market neutral, in that my upside and downside break-even are equal (i.e. there is no skewness in the strategy, it is perfectly symmetrical in terms of direction).'
    The way I would go about doing that is by discovering the ratio of calls bought to
    lots short right?

    -(-(maximum risk)/number of lots short) = maximum risk/(number of lots short) = maximum risk/(number of calls bought together - number of lots short)

    Then I multiply both side by (number of calls bought - number of round lots short) and divide both side by max risk?

    So I get (number of calls bought - number of round lots short)/(number of round lots) = 1.

    This is equal to number of calls bought/number of round lots - 1 = 1 or
    calls bought/number of round lots = 2? Is this right or am I completely wrong?

    Thank you