Nominate your favorite contributors

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Achiever, Jul 12, 2003.

  1. Let's start a thread to pay tribute to those who contribute useful and applicable posts related to the art of trading profitably.

    I nominate the following:

    acrary - incredible statistical analysis.
    Johnny Rotten - no nonsense approach to the markets.
    praetorian2 - GNP discovery.
    margo_trader - great charts outlining the risk/reward for each play.

    Who are your favorites and why?
  2. I will give my vote to Gary McLaughlin for his recent postings.
  3. inandlong
  4. nkhoi


    too many to name,
  5. Inandlong - a cool head that usually prevails
    MarketSurfer - Great journals. Love the forex thread!
    Scientist - Hubris...with panache
    Brandonf - Great advice for newbies (like me)
    Nitro - The man lives to trade

    Thanks to all for your tidbits of wisdom and wit.