NObama... Dumbing Down America

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gnome, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. WesSeid


    Yes. Dumber, lazier Americans are more easily controlled. Big Government doesn't like outlaws and people who think outside the government box.

    The federal government especially rarely does anything that doesn't increase its control over the states and the people. I wouldn't be surprised at all if some states seceed from the union in the not-too-distant future. Longshot, maybe, but it wouldn't surprise me with how the federal government constantly throws its weight around.

    Whether Democrat, Republican, or something else, "the more government spends, the more freedom is lost." Stop filling the trough of this bloated pig.
    #11     Mar 30, 2009
  2. Oh,really? The point is to be number one?But what if you realize that you are NOT number one at any sphere?
    And will never be?Should you commit suicide?
    What if some guy doesn't want to be 1?He just wants to be happy with his family or like that.Is he bad or what?
    There are many many idiots who want to be number one....but only one of them succeeds....
    So only one way out...KILL the winner and get his place...Any means will do...That is why so many mass killers in your America."Oh...I am a looser!I'm gonna kill lots of guys!" You are sick nation.
    Mistake.If you don't want much - you are much less controlled.
    #12     Mar 31, 2009
  3. I think you took this a little to strongly. No where did I mention or imply killing oneself.

    If you are perfectly happy being average or below average that is great.

    Where this attitude starts to cause problems is when the average decide they want the things that the above average have without having to make the sacrifices necessary to earn them.

    What we have been seeing, are seeing, and will likely see more of is the average taking from the above average through electing politicians that believe in spreading the wealth and distorting the meaning of equality.

    One thing that has made the USA such a great nation is that we have/had a large portion of the population that were not content with being average. This in turn raised the bar for what average is for everyone.

    Unfortunately after a few decades of dumbing down American kids and passing personal responsibility off to the government we have created an environment were mediocrity is rewarded and achievement is frowned upon. Hence the reason why it is socially acceptable to advocate spreading the wealth and taking from those that have and giving to those that have not. It is much easier to take from others via the political process than to earn it yourself and face that rewards and consequences of your decisions.

    Look at the auto, bank bailouts, and mortgage bailouts. All caused by poor decisions, abrogating responsibility to the government, and being content with average.
    #13     Mar 31, 2009
  4. What if some guy doesn't want to be 1?He just wants to be happy with his family or like that.Is he bad or what?

    No problemo, just don't complain that you are always picked last.
    #14     Mar 31, 2009
  5. Very well said.
    Articulate, and intelligent.
    All of that other "paste and cut" crap
    by Gnome pales in comparison.
    #15     Mar 31, 2009
  6. WesSeid


    There's different ways of coming at this topic. There's the "dumbed-down, lazy" America where the person is happy being mediocre or being less than mediocre and getting paid via government handouts confiscated from other people and having government tell them what to do, and they may lose what they have if they rock the boat, assuming they would even want to rock the boat.

    Now that I've typed that, really, though, I'm kind of boxing controlled people in based on income. Someone can make large amounts of money and still be under government control. They just happen to get more of their money confiscated.

    Then there is, yes, those who may not generally be considered successful, but they don't require as much "stuff," and in that sense they are free and less controlled. Yet, they are still somewhat controlled if they stand on the sidelines and don't rock the boat.

    Maybe I didn't explain it well, and I'm probably not again since I'm typing this while distracted, :) but my main point was that government doesn't like outlaws because outlaws rock the boat and can interfere with government's plans, and government's plans, at least nowadays, tend to be about controlling you and taking your money. It's great if someone can opt-out of being "a consumer," but they are still probably on the sidelines more than being opposition.

    And, yeah, "what can one man do?" It's hard fighting Big Government. The easiest way is to vote for people who are willing to smack government's hand when it goes for your wallet. Cut government's purse strings, and it will have less money to do stupid things with.

    While I think government slavery and financial slavery are linked, I don't consider them the same. I think I know what you're saying, though. Buying "stuff" you don't need promotes slavery. Being what the media and government like to call "a consumer" promotes slavery. Debt is slavery.
    #16     Mar 31, 2009
  7. JDL


    america been on the down slide for years and it's not gonna get any better, america better days is over.
    #17     Mar 31, 2009
  8. Cesko


    One thing I learned in my not that short (but not that long life) is read between the lines especially when people talk about themselves.
    His past matters not what he says dummy!!!
    P.S. But it's well written post as other idiot noticed.
    #18     Mar 31, 2009