No Tweets From Trump Today

Discussion in 'Politics' started by vanzandt, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. vanzandt


    Tweeter's remorse?

    Ya gotta admit, he kinda stepped on his crank again. Live and learn I guess.

    He should have said he's going after UTX to keep ALL the jobs. Even if he has no chance of getting that.

    Come on Donald.... think bro.
  2. Ricter


    "But Taiwan called me!"
    Your staff says the call was planned in advance.

    "This is just a tempest in a teapot. If China doesn't like it, tough, their territorial aggression needs to be faced."
    But we need to get along with Russia, which also displays territorial aggression?

    "Really, this was a genius move, shaking up the world order."
    So you did plan it in advance. Or you figure you got lucky?
  3. vanzandt


    My first car was a Tempest. I wish I never sold it... but that was back in the day that kids had to work and pay for their own college tuition.

    "Sell the car son if you wanna stay in school... we don't have the money".
    Mine was blue though.
  4. Ricter


    I bet you do wish you kept that car!
  5. vanzandt


    Actually, I did have student loans too.

    But when I saw the writing on the wall leading into my first divorce.... I paid them bitches off before the fact so she could not get half of that savings. Been debt free ever since! Aside from margin calls.
  6. Ricter


    Good move, I've given a lot of money to my first two wives. #3 isn't cheap, either.

    My first car, just before I got out of the Navy:


    I wanted a Challenger, but when the salesman asked my rank and I answered he said, "you can't afford it."