No such thing as a Democrat bigot

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mav88, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. pspr


    RCG Sharpton, it's about time you admit that you are an AVOWED RACIST!
    #11     Feb 2, 2012
  2. Ricter


    Worldwide, it's the "poor race", their skin color varying by the unit of observation, whether town, county, state, province, nation. Wherever you go in this world, should you enter a slum, favela, ghetto, villas miserias, shanty town, skid row, etc., you have probably entered the most violent part of the area (actual war zones to be considered differently).
    #12     Feb 2, 2012
  3. Yeah..., ....but teenagers drive that way due to biological reasons...!:D

    Ever consider that some people evolved differently and are poor because they can't process the more "evolved" societies...?
    #13     Feb 2, 2012
  4. Mav88


    He popped up on Yahoo news, no searching.

    He actually reflects the majority opinion of blacks, backed by a lot of evidence. Reverend Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Farrakan all just like him, and all leaders in the black community. In this case he isn't the outlier, he's the norm.
    #14     Feb 2, 2012
  5. Mav88


    ...think that blacks themselves bullying other blacks about being too white is isolated and not reflective of the group?

    -Barack Obama

    How about Condoleeza Rice being attacked for being 'too white'?
    #15     Feb 2, 2012
  6. That's true... they're looking out for number one... They're cons. ...No doubt about it!... I'm just saying, whites should quit helping them out and do the same!
    #16     Feb 2, 2012
  7. Mav88


    oh and BTW RCG, he is a liberal democrat, just like you
    #17     Feb 2, 2012
  8. Mav88


    They really don't like whites, and probably never will in the foreseeable future, liberals just want to pretend everything is all one big hand holding brotherhood if we just pay them enough
    #18     Feb 2, 2012
  9. Eight


    insightful, brief too...

    I lived in the Mojave Desert when the 14 freeway turned into a sewer pipe that dumped off tens of thousands of blacks into Lancaster. Unbelievable, white people got killed, a few here, a few there, black teens would assault old women that were gassing up their cars, they would threaten retail clerks and extort money from their cash registers... gangsta's drove really slow and killed whiteys for passing them [it was disrespectful]... black women would block up the aisles and get pissed at me for asking to go by...

    The thing is that the money is going to be gone to feed the population in the inner city reservations and Whitey is armed to the teeth.. Plenty of people have absolutely had it with marxist bullshit and Democrat minions...
    #19     Feb 2, 2012
  10. pspr


    I just bought another shotgun today. :D
    #20     Feb 2, 2012