No-Risk-of-Capital Trading Strategies

Discussion in 'Options' started by riskfreetrading, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. It’s practically the same ; you just have to read between the lines and use a bit of imagination

    #21     Mar 10, 2008
  2. Whatelse are you keeping from us IV_trader?
    Why you don't explain to the folks here in detail what you believe was leacked, otherwise you may risk to be seen as someone who takes and does not give back enough.:D
    #22     Mar 10, 2008
  3. The ego fest here is hysterical. I am sure there are thousands of 10% arbs all around in OTC options, gimmie break. They're not mispricing stuff for more then a moment or three tops and they dont make the same mistakes twice.
    #23     Mar 10, 2008
  4. Atticus point (as I understand it) is that the money is made not because they mis-priced stuff, but precisely because they price them right. So, they price them right, but one can still "mis-use" them in the sense of using them not as originally intended when these components were priced. So the whole can be worth more than the sum and differences of the parts. One then pockets the difference between the whole and the sum/diffs of the parts.

    Note that the above does not exclude both dealers to make money while atticus is making money at the same time. win/win/win is possible.

    PS: What I will write is aimed at no one individual. I think that we should not involve in these discussions the question of ego. Atticus is contributing a lot. He did not insult anyone in this thread. Even it he were to show ego, so what? Notice that there are people here who insult out right, did not contribute much of value, and were not criticized. Therefore, I think that we should thank anyone who contributes positively, and leave the question of judging ego or all of that on the side. These people give and do not expect anything in return. So let us appreciate all of what they contribute.
    #24     Mar 10, 2008
  5. Hey Atticus, when you say 1D vs 2D what does D stand for?
    #25     Mar 11, 2008
  6. I'm going to take a stab and say derivative?
    #26     Mar 11, 2008
  7. deviation. first and second standard deviation.
    #27     Mar 11, 2008
  8. I assume here when talking about european vs american that you are talking about expiration style. It would be helpful if you guys would explain this. Not everyone who reads these boards understands all the lingo. This is a brave attempt at translating though somewhat like the dead sea scrolls.
    #28     Mar 11, 2008
  9. Dimension[ality]; with respect to duration. Don't bother trying to get the trade vetted. The arb was traded flat as of mid-Friday as someone had an "Oh Sh*t" moment. I found the arb in mid-Jan and the return has been on the order of 300% net of replication. I'll provide screenshots at a later date.
    #29     Mar 11, 2008
  10. atticus, are you constantly on the hunt for these type of arb plays or did you stumble upon this one?
    #30     Mar 11, 2008